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Old Testament Essays

On-line version ISSN 2312-3621
Print version ISSN 1010-9919

Old testam. essays vol.23 n.3 Pretoria  2010


Psalm 108 and the quest for closure to the exile



Phil J. Botha

University of Pretoria





Ps 108 is studied as a composition sui generis in terms of its poetic features and ideological intent. It is subsequently also compared to its two donor texts (Ps 57 and Ps 60) to determine how the selection and editorial adaptation of those verses which were used to create the new composition reveal something about its textual strategy and purpose. The strategy of its authors seems to have been the transformation of the oracle found in Ps 60 from a context of lamentation to one of future hope. The authors emphasised YHWH's universal majesty in contradistinction to the local insignificance of their enemies; and the global power of YHWH in contradistinction to the futility of human endeavours.



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Phil J. Botha
Department of Ancient Languages
University of Pretoria, 0002
South Africa

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