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SA Orthopaedic Journal

On-line version ISSN 2309-8309
Print version ISSN 1681-150X

SA orthop. j. vol.10 n.2 Centurion Jan. 2011




What in life results in true satisfaction?



There are surely many answers to this question, the reason being that we are all different, of different ages, with different needs, interests, backgrounds, abilities and different values about many different aspects of life. What is important for one person may mean nothing to another.

However, there are certain principles in life that many of us share. On the one hand we all like to receive. There are many examples of this sphere of life. Some place money very high on the list, whereas others prefer recognition, achievement, a satisfying family life and many other less tangible aspects of life.

When getting home one afternoon I said to my wife: 'I had a wonderful day!' Why? I had the opportunity of teaching my registrars something that may be important to them. Therefore, on the other hand, sharing, or even giving, may be even more satisfying than receiving.

Every one of us has something that we can share with our colleagues. This may again vary in terms of experience, knowledge, the way in which we treat our patients, our family life, or the way in which we prefer to spend our leisure time. Sharing can add value to the fulfilment of our daily tasks.

So many of us have a vast knowledge of one or more clinical conditions gained from experience over many years. We cannot afford to let this fade away once we retire. The academic community, both from the private and full-time sectors in our country, is small. We need everybody's input to run the South African Orthopaedic Journal successfully. There is nothing more satisfying than to share one's wisdom with colleagues, including registrars, than in the more permanent form of a publication.

I was greatly enriched by reading the contents of a lecture, unfortunately not published, but well preserved, on the treatment of acute haematogenic osteomyelitis, by the founder of the Department of Surgery of the University of Pretoria, way back in 1945.

Do not underestimate yourself. You have much to share, and at the same time, to enrich yourself with by publishing, knowing that you make available knowledge that can help many colleagues and be beneficial to many patients.

Give it a try, and see for yourself!


R P Gräbe
Editor-in-Chief: South African Orthopaedics Journal

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