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Acta Commercii

On-line version ISSN 1684-1999
Print version ISSN 2413-1903

Acta Commer. vol.22 n.1 Johannesburg  2022




Acknowledgement to reviewers



The editorial team of Acta Commercii recognises the value and importance of the peer reviewer in the overall publication process - not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of our journal.

We are committed to the timely publication of all original, innovative contributions submitted for publication. As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank and recognise the following reviewers for their precious time and dedication, regardless of whether the papers they reviewed were finally published. We apologise for any names that have been inadvertently left out.

These individuals provided their services to the journal as a reviewer from 01 October 2021 to 30 September 2022.

Aloe Meintjes

Anthea P. Amadi-Echendu

Ashika Maharaj

Bongani Ngwenya

Boris Urban

Carinda C. Williams

Cashandra C. Mara

Cecile Nieuwenhuizen

Charles Makanyeza

Chengedzai Mafini

Chris W. Callaghan

Christo Bisschoff

Chuma Diniso

Colin D. Reddy

Collin Chikwira

David Dyason

Dirk Rossouw

Elina Amadhila

Elmarie Venter

Gert Human

Gideon Els

Habofanwe Koloba

Henry Mynhardt

Herman Boikanyo

Ireze van Wyk

Irrshad Kaseeram

Isolde Lubbe

Janine Krüger

Karolina Laba

Kennedy Njenga

Kgomotso Mopalami

Kim L. Viljoen

Lawrence Abiwu

Louis J. van Staden

Lynette Louw

MacDonald Kanyangale

Magda L. Bezuidenhout

Manduth Ramchander

Mapeto Bomani

Marius Potgieter

Marius Wait

Mark Rathbone

Medicine Magocha

Michael C. Cant

Molefe J. Maleka

Musawenkosi D. Saurombe

Muthuhadini B. Mukhavhuli

Nadia Mans-Kemp

Neil Eccles

Nelesh Dhanpat

Nellie Swart

Olumide Fatoki

Olumide Jaiyeoba

Oswald Mhlanga

Paul B. Issock Issock

Peet Venter

Peta Thomas

Rashed A. Karim

Remigiusz Gawlik

Renier Steyn

Rose Luke

Seugnet Bronkhorst

Shaun D. Ruggunan

Shepherd Dhliwayo

Shiksha Gallow

Siyabulela Nyikana

Sugandren Naidoo

Takawira M. Ndofirepi

Thea J. Tselepis

Tshililo R. Farisani

Uwe P. Hermann

Victor Thindisa

Vinay Bugwandin

Vincent F. Makhubela

Vinessa Naidoo

Vuyokazi N. Mtembu

Wesley Niemann

Willie T. Chinyamurindi

Ziska Fields



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