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SA Journal of Industrial Psychology
On-line version ISSN 2071-0763
Print version ISSN 0258-5200
SA j. ind. Psychol. vol.34 n.1 Johannesburg 2008
Perceptions of organisational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intentions in a post-merger South African tertiary institution
Adam Martin; Gert Roodt
Department of Human Resource Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
A merger can be considered both a phenomenological and significant life event for an organisation and its employees, and how people cope with and respond to a merger has a direct impact on the institutional performance in the short to medium term. It is within this context that post-merger perceptions of a tertiary institution were investigated. A predictive model (determined the "best" of 15 predefined models) of turnover intentions was developed for employees of a South African tertiary institution (having undergone its own recent merging process). A systematic model-building process was carried out incorporating various techniques, among others structural equation modelling and step-wise linear regression. The final predictive model explained 47% of the variance in turnover intentions. Contrary to expectations, commitment does not correlate more strongly than satisfaction does with turnover intentions.
Keywords: merger, transformation, environment, restructuring, workplace
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Adam Martin