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Health SA Gesondheid (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 2071-9736
versão impressa ISSN 1025-9848
Health SA Gesondheid (Online) vol.15 no.1 Cape Town 2010
A model for incorporating specialist nurse education into a university context. Part 1: Methodological perspectives
Judith C. BruceI; Hester C. KlopperII
IDepartment of Nursing Education, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
IISchool of Nursing Science, North-West University, Potchefstroom campus, South Africa
The education of nurses for specialist practice takes place mainly in nursing colleges. In view of ongoing debates about the future positioning of nursing education, an investigation regarding the incorporation of college-based specialist nurse education into universities was needed. The purpose of the study was to develop and describe a model for specialist nurse education in a university. The objectives were set in two phases: Phase 1 objectives were designed to enable the identification of concepts in relation to university education and Phase 2 objectives, to enable the development of a model for specialist nurse education in a university context. This paper gives an account of only the methodology used to meet the research purpose and objectives. It outlines the objectives of Phases 1 and 2, including a detailed description of the research design. In discussing the research design, particular attention was given to theory development. The research methods were described with reference to data collection methods and procedures, study samples and sampling methods, data analysis methods and processes, to ensure the trustworthiness of the study. The model is described in Part 2 of the article.
Keywords: specialist nurse education; tertiary education; methodological perspectives; theory generation; relational statements
Die onderrig van verpleegkundiges in gespesialiseerde verpleegpraktyk vind hoofsaaklik in verpleegkolleges plaas. In die lig van die voortslepende debat rondom die toekomstige posisionering van verpleegonderrig is ondersoek na die inkorporering van spesialis vepleegopleiding aan universitieite as noodsaaklik geag. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die model vir gespesialiseerde vepleegopleiding aan universitiete te ontwikkel en te beskryf. Die navorsingsdoelwitte is geformuleer aan die hand van twee fases. Die doelwitte in Fase 1 was ontwerp om die konsepte betreffende universiteitsopleiding te identifiseer. Die doelwitte in Fase 2 was op die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir die onderrig in gespesialiseerde verpleegkunde aan 'n universiteit gerig. Hierdie artikel gee 'n oorsig oor slegs die metodiek wat gebruik is om die doel en navorsingsdoelwitte te bereik. Dit verskaf 'n oorsig oor Fase 1 en 2 en sluit 'n omvattende beskrywing van die navorsingsontwerp in. In die bespreking van die navorsingsontwerp word spesifieke aandag aan teoriegenerering gewy. Die navorsingsmetodes word beskryf met verwysing na data insamelingsmetodes-en-prosedures, die steekproef, en steekproefmetodes, data analiseringsmetodes-en-prosedures wat die betroubaarheid van die studie verseker het. Die model word in Deel 2 van die artikel beskryf.
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Judith Bruce
Department of Nursing Education, Wits Medical School
7 York Road, Parktown
Johannesburg 2193
South Africa
Received: 01 Sept. 2009
Accepted: 15 Sept. 2009
Published: 30 Mar. 2010