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Health SA Gesondheid (Online)

versão On-line ISSN 2071-9736
versão impressa ISSN 1025-9848

Health SA Gesondheid (Online) vol.15 no.1 Cape Town  2010




Self-care symptom-management strategies amongst women living with HIV/AIDS in an urban area in KwaZulu-Natal



Regis R. Marie ModesteI; Sisana J. MajekeII

ISchool of Nursing, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
IISchool of Nursing, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa





People living with HIV and AIDS experience a number of symptoms such as fatigue, nausea and vomiting, fever and anxiety during the various stages of the illness. This has a negative effect on their quality of life. Women are the most commonly infected group and are at greater risk of acquiring HIV than men. In addition to their vulnerability, women have other responsibilities in society and expectations from society to fulfil. Women's health-seeking and health practice behaviours are often hindered by a number of factors, including family responsibilities, poverty and fear.
This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study aimed at exploring the self-care symptommanagement strategies used by women living with HIV and AIDS in an urban area in KwaZulu-Natal in 2006.
Eleven participants were selected through a purposive sampling method until saturation was reached. Individuals were assessed in depth, using the symptom-management strategy interview. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine the transcribed interviews, using a deductive approach based on the categories of self-care symptom-management strategies.
Various physical and psychological symptoms and a number of self-care symptom-management strategies were reported by the participants and these included taking medication and seeking help.
The study makes recommendations on how to improve women's ability to employ a self-care strategy in managing their HIV- and AIDS-related symptoms.

Keywords: HIV and AIDS; HIV and AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal; self-care; symptom management; South African women


Mense wat met MIV en Vigs leef, ervaar verskeie simptome in die verskillende stadiums van die siekte, soos moegheid, naarheid en braking, koors en angstigheid. Dit het 'n negatiewe effek op hul lewensgehalte. Vroue is die groep wat die meeste besmet word, en staan 'n groter risiko om MIV op te doen as mans. Benewens hul vatbaarheid, het vroue ook ander verantwoordelikhede en verwagtinge om in die samelewing te vervul. Vroue se gesondheidsbevorderende en gesondheidspraktykgedrag word dikwels gekniehalter deur 'n aantal faktore, wat familieverantwoordelikhede, armoede en vrees insluit.
Hierdie artikel bied die bevindinge aan van 'n kwalitatiewe studie gemik op die verkenning van selfsorg-simptoombeheerstrategieë wat deur vroue met MIV en Vigs in 2006 in 'n stedelike gebied in KwaZulu-Natal gebruik is.
'n Steekproef van 11 respondente is geselekteer deur middel van 'n doelbewuste steekproefmetode totdat versadiging bereik is. Individuele diepte-onderhoude is gevoer deur gebruik te maak van die simptoombeheerstrategie-onderhoud. Kwalitatiewe inhoudelike analise is gebruik om die getranskribeerde onderhoude te analiseer deur middel van 'n deduktiewe metode gegrond op die kategorieë van selfsorg-simptoombeheerstrategieë.
Verskeie fisiese en psigologiese simptome asook 'n aantal selfsorg-simptoombeheerstrategieë is deur die respondente gerapporteer. Die selfsorg-simptoombeheerstrategieë wat in die studie identifiseer is, het die neem van medikasie en die soek na hulp ingesluit.
Die studie maak aanbevelings oor hoe om vroue se vermoë om 'n selfsorg-strategie om MIV- en Vigs-verwante simptome te beheer, te verbeter.



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Regis Marie Modeste
Room G4
Senate Building
School of Nursing, University of the Western Cape
Modderdam Road
Bellville 7535
South Africa

Received: 16 Oct. 2009
Accepted: 26 July 2010
Published: 17 Nov. 2010

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