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Verbum et Ecclesia
On-line version ISSN 2074-7705Print version ISSN 1609-9982
Verbum Eccles. (Online) vol.30 n.1 Pretoria 2009
Die opstanding van Jesus as kulminerende genesings-handeling in Johannes
J Kok1
Universiteit van Pretoria
John views the death and resurrection of Jesus as an inseparable unity (cf 10:17-18). In this article it is then argued that the resurrection of Jesus in John could be understood as a Johannine annexa (cf 2:18-22), as well as the culminating healing act in John. It also serves as the most important anyela against which the other angela and the rest of the Gospel should be understood. In the resurrection as the culminating healing act, John's Jesus restores his own brokenness (and death) and proves that He is the source of life (cf 1:4; 11:25), also by bringing healing and restoration to the spiritually blind (cf 9:40-41; 12:40). This article is a result of the writer's PhD thesis2.
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1 Dr Kobus Kok is 'n navorsingsassosiaat in die Departement Nuwe Testament aan die Universiteit van Pretoria.
2 Sien Kok (2008).