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    Verbum et Ecclesia

    versión On-line ISSN 2074-7705versión impresa ISSN 1609-9982

    Verbum Eccles. (Online) vol.30 no.3 Pretoria  2009


    doi: 10.4102/ve.v30i3.181


    The Department of New Testament Studies, University of Pretoria (Dutch Reformed Church), 1938-2008



    Jan van der WattI; Andrie du ToitII; Stephan JoubertII

    IRadboud University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
    IIDepartment of New Testament Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa





    This article deals with the history of the Department of New Testament Studies at the University of Pretoria from 1938 to 2008. The focus falls on the permanent staff members and their contributions during this period. The article begins with a discussion of the life and career of Prof. E.P. Groenewald. It then proceeds to the more difficult time of cultural boycotts, with Profs A.B. du Toit and F. Botha as members of the Department at that time. Then the careers of Profs J.G. van der Watt and S.J. Joubert are discussed. The article concludes with a discussion of the contribution made by Prof. G.J. Steyn.

    Keywords: E.P. Groenewald; A.B. du Toit; J.G. van der Watt; S.J. Joubert; G.J. Steyn



    Full text available on pdf format.


    Jan van der Watt
    Exegese van het Nieuwe Testament en Bronteksten van het Christendom
    Faculteit Teologie, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
    Erasmusplein 1, Nederland

    Received: 11 Mar. 2009
    Accepted: 08 Sept. 2009
    Published: 17 Dec. 2009



    1. Some of Prof. Groenewald's most important publications are: 1939. Die Nuwe Testament deur die eeue bewaar. Pretoria 1947. 'Apartheid en voogdyskap in die lig van die Heilige Skrif' in G. Cronjé, Regverdige rasse-apartheid. Stellenbosch; 1948. Paulus en Korinthe. Stellenbosch; 1948. Die Evangelie volgens Markus. 'Kommentaar op die Bybel' Series. Pretoria; 1965. In gelykenisse hetHygeleer, 2nd edn., Pretoria; 1960. 'Die Christelike huis', NGTT 1, 1-12; 1961 'Die Koninkryk van God volgens die Evangelie van Thomas', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 1, 59-66; 1962. 'Die ekklesia in die Nuwe Testament', NGTT 3, 389-402; 1964. 'Calvyn en die Heilige Skrif', NGTT 5, 131-141; 1967. Die Eerste Brief aan die Korinthiërs. Cape Town; 1967. Die Tweede Brief aan die Korinthiërs. Cape Town, 1968. Handboek Bybelse geskiedenis: Nuwe Testament. Pretoria: Interkerklike Uitgewerstrust; 1969 'Krisis in die interpretasie van die Nuwe Testament', NGTT 10, 2-12; 1972 'Die aktualiteit van 'n nuwe Afrikaanse Bybelvertaling', NGTT 11, 209-220; 1973. Die Evangelie van Lukas. Cape Town; 1977. Die pastorale briewe. Cape Town; 1977. Die Briewe van Petrus - Die Brief van Judas. Cape Town; 1980. Die Evangelie van Johannes. Cape Town; 1986. Die Openbaring van Johannes. Cape Town. Over and above these scientific publications, he also wrote many popular articles and reviews (for Die Kerkbode, Ons Jeug, Die Voorligter etc.).
    2. Some of Prof. du Toit's most important publica-ions are the following: His articles 1962-1966 'Abendmahl', 'Gas-mahl', 'Herrenmahl', 'Liebesmahl', 'Mahl', 'Mahlzeit', 'Rüsttag', 'Speisung', and 'Tisch' in L. Ros- & B. Reicke (Hrsg.), BHH. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; 1967. 'The self-revela-ion of Jesus in Matthew 5-7', Neot 1, 66-72; 1968. 'The incarnated Word - a study of John 1:14', Neot 2, 9-21; 1969. 'Die pneuma by Paulus', Neot 3, 52-60; 1978. 'Kanoniek van die Nuwe Testament' in A.B. du Toit (red.), Handleiding by die Nuwe Testament 1, 87-306. Pre-oria: NG Kerkboekhandel; 1979. 'Diakaiosyne in Röm 6. Beobachtungen zur ethischen Dimension der paulinischen Gerechtigkeitsauffassung.' ZThK 76, 261-291; 1981. 'Strukturale teksanalise en die Suid-Afrikaanse redevoeringsanalise', Skrif en Kerk 2, 3-14; 1983. 1979. 'Freude' in G. Krause & G. Müller (Hrsg.), ThR XI, 584-586. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter; 1984. 'Chronologie van Paulus' in A.B. du Toi- (red.), Handleiding by die Nuwe Testament v, 23-37. Pre-oria: NG Kerkboekhandel; 1985. 'Marturia in Johannes 1' SK 6, 113-124; 1988. 'Gesetzesgerechtigkei- und Glaubensgerechtigkeit in Rm 4:13-25: In Gespräch mit E.P. Sanders', HTS 44, 71-80; 1989. 'Persuasion in Romans 1:1-17', BZ 13, 192-209; 1989. 'Primi-ive Chris-ian belief in the resurrec-ion of Jesus Christ, in the light of Pauline resurrection and appearance terminology', Neot 23, 309-330; 1990. 'Analise van die opbou, argumentasiegang en pragma-iek van die Galatebrief: 'n eerste oriëntering', SK 11, 154-165; 1990'Fai-h and obedience in Paul', Neot 25, 65-74; 1993. 'Canon of the New Testament' in B.M. Metzger & M.D. Coogan (eds), The Oxford companion to the Bible, 102-104. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993. 'Die Kirche als doxologische Gemeinschaft im Römerbrief', Neot 27, 69-77; 1994. 'Galatians 6:13. A possible solution to an old exegetical problem', Neot 28, 157-161; 1994. 'Vilification as a pragmatic device in early Christian epistolography', Biblica 75, 403-412; 1996. 'The centrality of grace in the theology of Paul', NGTT 37, 598-609; 1997. 'Geskiedenis van die Palestynse Jodedom in die tydperk 539 v.C. tot 135 n.C.' in A.B. du Toit (red.), Handleiding by die Nuwe Testament II: Die leefwêreld van die Nuwe Testament, 231-251. Halfway House: Orion; 2000. 'A tale of two cities: Tarsus or Jerusalem revisited.' NTS 46, 375-402; 2000. 'Hoffnung III. Neues Testamen t', RGG4 Band 3, Sp. 2000, 1824-1826; 2005. 'Forensic metaphors in Romans and their soteriological significance' in J. van der Watt (ed.), Salvation in the New Testament. Perspectives on soteriology, 213-246. Leiden-Boston: Brill (NovTSup 121); 2005 'Shaping a Christian lifes-yle in the Roman capi-al' in J. van der Watt (ed.), Identity, ethics and ethos in the New Testament, 167-197. Berlin: De Gruyter (bZNW 141); 2006. Die Bybel. Nuwe Lewende Vertaling. Vereeniging: CUM (editor and cottranslator); 2007. Breytenbach, C. & Du Toit, D.S. (eds), Focusing on Paul. Persuasion and theological design in Romans and Galatians. Berlin/New York: De Gruy-er (BZNW 151). Some of his more popular publications are: 1984. Room van Romeine. Wellington: Bybelkor; 2002. Hebreërs vir vandag. Vereeniging: CUM; 2004. Beleef God se genade. Cape Town: Lux Verbi.
    3. Prof. Bo-ha had only a few publications, of which the most renowned were: 1960. 'Die deurtog deur die Skelfsee', NGTT 1, 39-42; 1963. 'God is nie die Vader van alle mense nie', NGTT 5, 9-13; 1967. 'Recent research on the Lord's Prayer', Neot 1, 42-50; 1968. 'Die Woord is betroubaar', Theol Ev 1, 78-84; 1969. 'Die Jode in die Vierde Evangelie', Theol Ev 2, 40-15; 1969. 'Die gebruik van logos in die Vierde Evangelie' Theol Ev 2, 75-81; 1978. 'Die eenheid van die kerk by Johannes' in J.D. Vorster (red.), Veelvormigheid en eenheid, 5-8. Cape Town: NG Kerkui-gewers; 1984. '1 Tessalonisense' in A.B. du Toit (red.), Handleiding by die Nuwe Testament V, 158-165. Pretoria: NG Kerkboekhandel; 1984. '2 Tessalonisense' in A.B. du Toi- (red.), Handleiding by die Nuwe Testament V, 166-173. Pretoria: NG Kerkuitgewers; 1986. 'Die verklaring van die boek Openbaring', NGTT 27, 29-37. He also had popular articles published in Ons Jeug, Die Voorligter and Die Kerkbode.
    4. 2005. Salvation in the New Testament. Perspectives on soteriology. Leiden: Brill; 2006. Identity, ethics and ethos in the New Testament. Berlin: De Gruyter; 2009. Eschatology of the New Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Van der Watt served as editor for all of these publications.
    5. Some of his most renowned publications are: 1985. 'A new look at John 5:25-29 in the light of the use of the term 'eternal life' in the Gospel according to John', Neot 19, 71-86; 1987.         [ Links ] 'Ewige lewe in die Johannesevangelie. 'n Denotatiewe ondersoek', NGTT 28, 255-262; 1989. Christus is julle hoop. Die brief aan die Kolossense - n semantiese diskoersanalise. Pretoria: 1990. 'The use of aionios in the concept zoe aionios in John's Gospel', NT 31, 217-228; 1990. 'The use of zao in 1 Thessalonians: a comparison with the use of zao/zoe in the Gospel of John' in R.F. Collins (ed.), The Thessalonian correspondence, 359-369. Louvain: Louvain University Press; 1995. ''Metaphorik' in Johannes 15', BZ 38, 67-80; 1996. 'The composition of the prologue of John's Gospel: The historical Jesus introducing divine grace', WThJ 57, 311-332; 1998. 'The dynamics of metaphor in John's Gospel', SNTU 23, 29-78; 1998. 'My reading of 1 John in Africa' in I. Kitzberger (ed.), Personal voices in New Testament scholarship, 142-155. London/New York: Routledge; 1999. 'Ethics in 1 John: A literary and socio-scientific perspective', CBQ 7, 1-21; 2000. Family of the King. Dynamics of metaphor in the Gospel according to John. Leiden: Brill (Biblical Interpretation Series 47); 2000. 'Der Geist macht lebendig. Die Lektüre von 1 Joh im afrikanischen Kontext', Protokolle zur Bibel 9, 1-22; 2001. ''Please, sit over here. You may stand over there.' Exegetical notes on James 2:1-1', HTS 57, 210-229; 2001 'The cross/resurrection-events in the Gospel of John, with special emphasis on the confession of Thomas (20:28)', Neot 37, 127-145; 2003. Editor and contributor of major sections in Die Bybel A-Z. Vereeniging: CUM; 2004. Double entendre in the Gospel according to John' in G. van Belle, J.G. van der Watt & P. Maritz (eds), Christology and theology in the Gospel of John, 463-481. Louvain: Peeters; 2005. 'Salvation in the Gospel according to John' in J.G. van der Watt (ed.), Salvation in the New Testament. Perspectives on soteriology, 101-131. Leiden: Brill (NTS 121); 2005. Apokriewe van die Ou en Nuwe Testament. Vereeniging: CUM; 2005. Van Belle, G., Maritz, P. & Van der Wfott, J.G. (eds), Christology and theology in the Gospel according to John. Louvain: Peeters; 2006. 'Ethics and ethos in the Gospel according to John', ZNW 97, 147-176; 2006. 'Ethics alive in imagery' in J. Frey, J.G. van der Watt & R. Zimmermann (eds), Imagery in the Gospel according to John/Bildersprache im Johannesevangelium, 421-448. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (WUNT 200); 2006. 'Radical social redefinition and radical love: Ethics and ethos in the Gospel according to John' in J.G. van der Watt (ed.), Identity, ethics and ethos in the New Testament, 107-134. Berlin: De Gruyter; 2006. Frey, J., Van der Watt, J.G. & Zimmermann, R. (eds), Imagery in the Gospel of John/Bildersprache im Johannesevangelium. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (WUNT 200); 2007. 'Repetition and functionality in the Gospel according to John. Some initial remarks' in G. van Belle & P. Maritz (eds), Repetition and variation in the Gospel according to John, 87-109. Louvain: Peeters; 2008. 'Ein himmlisches Gericht (vom Brot des Lebens) Joh 6,32-10.48-51 ' in R. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Gleichnis-Kompendium des Neuen Testaments, 755-767. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2007. Introduction to the Gospel and Letters of John. London: T&T Clark.
    6. Some of Joubert's most renowned publications are: 1988. 'Die tekstuele stratégie wat Paulus in 1 Korintiërs 16:1-4 ter organisering van die kollekte vir die gemeente in Jerusalem volg', NGTT 29, 120-128; 1990. 'Language, ideology and the social context of the letter of Jude', Neot 24, 335-349; 1991. ''n Verruimde invalshoek tot die verlede? Die sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die Nuwe Testament', HTS 47, 39-54; 1992. 'Behind the mask of rhetoric: The intra-textual relationship between Paul and the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 8', Neot 26, 101-112; 1992. 'Wanneer die onmoontlike moontlik word: Paulus as verkondiger en bouer van 'n nuwe universum', NGTT 33, 301-310; 1994. 'A kaleidoscope of approaches: Paradigms, paradigm changes and the 'Umwelt' of the New Testament', Neot 28, 23-40; 1995. 'Managing the household. Paul as paterfamilias of the Christian community in Corinth' in P.F. Esler (ed.), Modelling early Christianity, 213-223. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; 1995. 'Persuasion in the letter of Jude', JSNT 58, 75-87; 1998. 'Facing the past. Transtextual relationships and historical understanding in the Letter of Jude', BZ 42, 73-88; 1999. 'Religious reciprocity in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15: Generosity and gratitude as legitimate responses tot the 'charis tou theou", Neot 33, 50-63; 2000. 'Romeine 15:22-33. Die Pauliniese kollekte as 'n elfde-uur suksesverhaal', NGTT 41, 297-304; 2000. 'Coming to terms with a neglected aspect of ancient Mediterranean reciprocity. Seneca's views on benefit-exchange in De beneficiis as a model of social exchange' in J. Pilch (ed.), Social scientific models for interpreting the Bible. Festschrift for Bruce Malina. Chicago: Deo Publishers; 2000. Paul as benefactor. Reciprocity, strategy and theological reflection in Paul's collection. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2001. 'One form of social exchange or two? 'Euergetism', patronage , and Testament Studies', BThB 31, 26-37; 2002. 'When the dead are alive! The influence of the living dead in the letter of Jude', HTS 58, 576-592; 2003. 'Poverty in early Christianity' in R.E. Averbeck, M.E. Chavalas & D.B. Weisberg (eds), Life and culture in the Ancient Near East, 371-388. Bethesda: CDL Press; 2005. 'Charis in Paul. An investigation into the apostle's 'performative' application of the language of grace within the framework of his theological reflection on the event/ process of salvation' in J.G. van der Wfott (ed.), Salvation in the New Testament. Perspectives on soteriology, 187-211. Leiden: Brill (NTS 121).
    7. Some of his more renowned publications are: 1989. 'The occurrence of "Kainam" in Luke's genealogy: Evidence of Septuagint influence?', EThL 65, 409-411; 1990. 'Intertextual similarities between Septuagint pretexts and Luke's Gospel', Neot 24, 229-246; 1996. 'Pretexts of the second table of the Decalogue and early Christian intertexts', Neot 30, 451-464; 1997. 'Luke's use of Mimesis? Re-opening the debate' in C.M. Tuckett (ed.), The Scriptures in the Gospels, 551-558. Louvain: Peeters; 1997 'Jesus-Sayings in Hebrews', EthL 77, 433-440; 2005. 'Soteriological perspectives in Luke's Gospel' in J. van der Wfott (ed.), Salvation in the New Testament: Perspectives on soteriology, 47-71. Leiden: Brill (NTS 121); 2005. 'Torah quotations common to Philo, Hebrews, Clemens Romanus and Justin Martyr: What is the common denominator?' in C. Breytenbach, J.C. Thom & J. Punt (eds), The New Testament Interpreted, 135-151. Leiden: Brill; 2006. 'Driven by conviction and attitude. Ethical dimensions in the Acts of the Apostles' in J.G. van der Watt (ed.), Identity, ethics, and ethos in the New Testament, 135-166. Berlin: De Gruyter (bZNW 141); 2006. 'The occurrence of Ps 118(117):6 in Hebrews 13:6. Possible liturgical origins?', Neot 40, 119-134; 2007. 'Deuteronomy in Hebrews' in S. Moyise & M.M.J. Menken (eds), Deuteronomy in the New Testament, 152-168. London: T & T Clark; 2008. 'Which LXX are we talking about in New Testament scholarship? Two examples from Hebrews' in M. Karrer & W. Kraus (eds), Die Septuaginta - Texte, Kontexte, Lebenswelten, 697-707. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (WUNT 219).