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Verbum et Ecclesia
versão On-line ISSN 2074-7705
versão impressa ISSN 1609-9982
Verbum Eccles. (Online) vol.31 no.1 Pretoria 2010
Anders lees, sien, praat en glo - 'n antwoord op ander se lees van 'Om die Bybel anders te lees: 'n Etiek van Bybellees'
To read, see, talk and believe differently - a response to other readers' reading of 'Om die Bybel anders te lees: 'n Etiek van Bybellees'
Gerrie Snyman
Departement Ou Testament en Ou-Nabye Oosterse Studie, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, Suid-Afrika
As any exegesis is necessarily preceded by certain theological convictions, the author of the book Om die Bybel anders te lees: 'n Etiek van Bybellees (2007) responds to criticism on the book flowing from a seminar - especially the remarks made by Hans van Deventer and Jurie le Roux. Firstly, the ideas on a changed view of the deity are discussed. This conversation is augmented by a discussion of the criticism levelled at the idea that reading the Bible has consequences for other people, and that a different reading would lead to a different concept of God. Van Deventer's comments regarding the difficulty of debating theological issues are strengthened by a critical discussion of a debate in Die Kerkblad regarding the grammatical-historical method. His critical remarks regarding the value of a historical consciousness are discussed by way of a question on the relationship between a liberal theology and a conservative political point of view. Le Roux's struggle with Snyman's utilisation of apartheid as a rhetorical strategy leads the discussion to a recent example of overcoming racism while using unreflectingly racist imagery. This example indicates how theology effects cosmetic changes, without taking on the real issue. For this reason, the author concludes that a critical reading of the own Western tradition in Africa has become necessary.
Keywords: gesag van die Bybel; Bybeluitleg; historiese bewussyn; Gereformeerde teologie; etiek van lees
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Gerrie Snyman
Departement Ou Testament en Ou-Nabye Oosterse Studie
Posbus 392
Pretoria 0003
Received: 07 Oct. 2009
Accepted: 07 Apr. 2010
Published: 06 July 2010