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versão On-line ISSN 2223-6279
versão impressa ISSN 0379-8577
Curationis vol.31 no.3 Pretoria 2008
Health care practices influencing health promotion in urban black women in Tshwane
SCD WrightI; JE MareeII
ID Tech Nursing, Senior lecturer; Adelaide Tambo School of Nursing Science Tshwane University of Technology
IID Cur (Pret), Head of Department; Adelaide Tambo School of Nursing Science Tshwane University of Technology
Health promotion is a multifaceted activity. Women and children are particularly vulnerable regarding access to quality health care, with young African women reportedly the poorest and most economically marginalised and least educated sector in South Africa. Understanding the context within which a person lives is an essential component in the health educator's teaching strategy. Understanding urban black women's health care practices will enable health promoters to develop interventions that are successful. The problem investigated was to gain an understanding of the health care practices of urban black women that could influence health promotion activities. The design was qualitative exploratory. The respondents were women living in an urban township in Tshwane, South Africa. The sampling method was convenient and purposive and the sample size was determined by saturation of the data. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews using six specific themes and the analysed using open coding. The results indicated that the social environment created by the registered nurses in the primary health influenced the health care practices of the women negatively. Practices regarding the seriousness of a health problem suggest a possible reason for late admission of a person with a serious health problem.
Keywords: Health care practices, health promotion, black women
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Dr. Susanna CD Wright
Adelaide Tambo School of Nursing Science
Tshwane University of Technology
Private bag X680
Pretoria, 0001
Tel :(012)382-50470; Fax:(012)382-5033