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On-line version ISSN 2223-6279
Print version ISSN 0379-8577

Curationis vol.32 n.4 Pretoria  2009




Experiences of HIV/AIDS home-based caregivers in Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province



NS MashauI; M Davhana-MaseleseleII

IIM Cur. Lecturer: Department of Public Health, University of Venda
IIID Phil. Faculty of Agriculture, Science and Technology, North West University (Mafikeng Campus)





The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of HIV and AIDS home-based caregivers in the Vhembe district of Limpopo Province. A qualitative research design which was exploratory, descriptive and contextual was executed with a sample of purposively selected participants who provided home-based care to people living with HIV and AIDS in the Vhembe district of Limpopo Province. Data saturation occurred after in-depth interviews with fifteen participants. In-depth individual interviews and field notes were also used during data collection.
The findings reveal that HIV/AIDS home-based caregivers express pain and despair when caring for HIV/AIDS patients. The theme was supported by the following categories and subcategories: problems related to stigma when caring for patients at their homes; stress, burnout, frustration and feelings of helplessness when caring for patients. Recommendations that are described focus on building a working relationship between the home-based caregivers, community and the family.

Key words: Burnout, Home-based caregivers, Stigma, Stress



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