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    versão On-line ISSN 2223-6279versão impressa ISSN 0379-8577

    Curationis vol.33 no.1 Pretoria Jan. 2010




    Perceived basic needs and resources for the elderly in the peri-urban and rural communities in the Hhohho region in Swaziland



    EM MabuzaI; M PoggenpoelII; C MyburghIII

    IDCur. Department of Community Health, University of Swaziland
    IIPhD. Professsor, Department of Nursing Science, University of Johannesburg
    IIIDEd. Department of Educational Psychology, University of Johannesburg





    The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the basic needs and resources for meeting the needs of the elderly in the peri-urban and rural communities in the Hhohho region in Swaziland. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was used. The study population consisted of the male and female elderly aged from 60 years old and above, and key informants (health motivator, community leaders and members from welfare organizations that serve as advocates for the elderly in Swaziland). Purposive sampling was utilized to select participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data were collected using focus groups and individual in-depth face-to-face interviews till data saturation was achieved as evidenced by repeating information. Tesch's method of qualitative data analysis was utilised to identify themes. A total of 30 elderly persons and eight key informants participated in this research. From the study findings the researcher identified the following themes: need for resources because of poverty; need for support because of the burden of caring for others; need for health care because of health challenges; need for company because of loneliness, and need for protection because of abuse of elderly persons. Recommendations were made for community nursing practice, nursing education, nursing research and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

    Key words: Burnout, Home-based caregivers, Stigma, Stress



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    Prof Marie Poggenpoel
    Department of Nursing Science
    University of Johannesburg
    Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006
    Tel: 011559 2860; Fax: 0115592257