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On-line version ISSN 2223-6279
Print version ISSN 0379-8577

Curationis vol.33 n.1 Pretoria Jan. 2010




Health education training needs of educators at Makapanstad schools in the North West Province



MD PeuI; L NapolesII; F WenholdIII; K Mostert-WentzelIV; N SeaneV

IPhD. Department of Nursing Science University of Pretoria
IIB Sc Dietetics, MPH. Department of Human Nutrition University of Pretoria
IIIPhD. Department of Human Nutrition University of Pretoria
IVM Phys T, MBA. Department of Physiotherapy University of Pretoria
VB Rad Diagnostic, B (Hons) in Radiotherapy. Department of Radiography University of Pretoria





PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the health education needs of educators at health promoting schools in Makapanstad in North West Province.
METHODOLOGY: Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive paradigm was conducted. The population consisted of educators, at Makapanstad schools, who were directly involved with learners. The participants were purposively selected. Focus group interviews were conducted to collect relevant data from the participants. Tesch data analysis process was used to reach the findings of the research.
FINDINGS: The following categories were identified and theoretically confirmed: The need for the support by the University for the training of educators; The need for the University's acknowledgement of educators' responsibilities; The need for basic knowledge of health promotion; Common health needs of learners; and indirect health problems.

RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that a health education package be developed to assist in empowering learners in Makapanstad schools.

Key words: health education needs, educators, university support, health promotion in schools



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Department of Nursing Science
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