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South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
On-line version ISSN 2224-7890
Print version ISSN 1012-277X
S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng. vol.20 n.1 Pretoria 2009
Reliability and availability analysis of the ash handling unit of a steam thermal power plant
S. GuptaI; P.C. TewariII; A.K. SharmaIII
IDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Haryana College of Technology and Management, India
IIDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India
IIIDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, India
The paper aims at assessing the reliability and availability of a critical ash handling unit of a steam thermal power plant by making a performance analysis and modeling, using probability theory and the Markov Birth-Death process. After drawing a transition diagram, differential equations are generated. After that, steady state probabilities are determined. Certain decision matrices are developed, which provide various availability levels. The behaviour analysis of the reliability module reveals that the availability decreases with increasing failure rates, while operational availability improves with initial increases in repair rates for different subsystems. Based upon various availability values, the performance of each subsystem is analyzed and used to make maintenance decisions for all subsystems.
Hierdie artikel poog om die betroubaarheid en beskikbaarheid van 'n kritiese ashanteringseenheid van 'n termiese stoomkragaanleg te beoordeel deur 'n werkverrigtingsanalise en modellering te doen aan die hand van waarskynlikheidsteorie en die Markovgeboorte-sterfteproses. Nadat die oorgangsdiagram opgestel is, is differensiaalvergelykings gegenereer. Vervolgens is die gestadigde-toestandwaarskynlikhede bepaal. Sekere besluitmatrikse is ontwikkel waar verskillende beskikbaarheidsvlakke verskaf is. Die analise van die gedrag van die betroubaarheidsmodule toon dat beskikbaarheid afneem met toenemende falingstempo's, terwyl operasionele beskikbaarheid verbeter met aanvanklike toenames en hersteltempo's vir die onderskeie subsisteme. Gebaseer op die verskillende beskikbaarheidswaardes, word die werkverrigting van elke subsisteem ontleed en aangewend om instandhoudingsbesluite vir alle subsisteme te neem.
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