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versión On-line ISSN 2304-8557
versión impresa ISSN 0023-270X
Koers (Online) vol.74 no.3 Pretoria 2009
Wolterstorff's critique of the reformational view of scholarship in his essay On Christian learning
Wolterstorff se kritiek op die reformatoriese siening van wetenskap in sy opstel On Christian learning
R. Coletto
School of Philosophy, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, Potchefstroom. E-mail:
In this article I analyse Wolterstorff's criticism of aspects of the reformational approach to science and scholarship as expressed in his essay "On Christian learning" (Wolterstorff, 1989). I argue that those allegations by Wolterstorff are not always well-founded, fully justified or supported by rigorous arguments. In particular, I examine Wolterstorff's complaints concerning the "connection between religion and scholarship", religious "totalism", expressivism and the issue of a "unidirectional" view of science and religion. The purpose of this article is to remove obstacles that would hamper dialogue and cooperation between scholars in the traditions of reformational philosophy (Dooyeweerd et al.) and reformed epistemology (Wolterstorff et al.).
Key concepts: expressivism in science and scholarship; reductionism in science and scholarship; relationship: science-religion; Wolterstorff: critique of reformational philosophy; Wolterstorff: philosophy of scholarship
Ek analiseer Wolterstorff se kritiek op aspekte van die reformatoriese benadering tot wetenskap soos uiteengesit in sy opstel "On Christian Learning" (Wolterstorff, 1989). Ek argumenteer dat Wolterstorff se bewerings nie altyd goed begrond is, ten volle geregverdig is, of deur stewige argumente ondersteun word nie. Meer spesifiek: ek ondersoek Wolterstorff se besware teen die "konneksie tussen religie en wetenskap", religieuse "totalisme", ekspressiwisme en die probleem rondom 'n eenrigtingsiening van wetenskap en religie. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die struikelblokke in die pad van dialoog en samewerking tussen wetenskaplikes in die tradisies van reformatoriese filosofie (Dooyeweerd et al.) en reformatoriese epistemologie (Wolterstorff et al.) te verwyder.
Kernbegrippe: ekspressiwisme in wetenskap; reduksionisme in wetenskap; verhouding: wetenskap-religie; Wolterstorff: filosofie van die wetenskap; Wolterstorff: kritiek van reformatoriese filosofie
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