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In die Skriflig

versão On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versão impressa ISSN 1018-6441

In Skriflig (Online) vol.44 no.1 Pretoria Jan. 2010




Die keuse van 'n model vir inhoudsanalise van preke oor armoede en aan armes as hoorders1


A model for content analysis of sermons on poverty and to the poor as listeners



H.J.C. Pieterse

Praktiese Teologie, Universiteit van Pretoria, PRETORIA.E-pos:




In hierdie artikel word geargumenteer dat die navorsingsvraag wat die inhoudsanalise van preke begelei, die keuse van 'n model vir die analise beïnvloed. Die outeur is op soek na 'n gepaste model vir preekanalise om preke oor armoede en aan armes as hoorders te analiseer. Verskillende outeurs het in hierdie ondersoekveld gepubliseer, byvoorbeeld Cilliers (1982), Pieterse (1986; 1995a; 1995b), Moehn (1996), Vaessen (1997), Stark (2005), De Klerk et al. (2009) en Immink & Verweij (2007). Die volgende modelle vir preekanalises word bespreek: die Heidelbergse model, die versterking van die Heidelbergse model deur gebruikmaking van die Kwalitan-rekenaarprogram, die hermeneutiese model wat deur Vaessen ontwikkel is, die model vir die vasstelling van prediking as Woord van God deur Stark, die kombinasie van die Heidelbergse model met die model van Stark deur De Klerk, De Wet en Letsosa en die "grounded theory"-model wat induktief vanuit die preke self 'n preekteorie ontwikkel. Die navorsingsvraag van die outeur se projek van preekanalises van preke oor armoede en aan armes lei hom tot die keuse van die "grounded theory"-model soos dit deur kollegas in Utrecht, Nederland, ontwikkel is.

Kernbegrippe: inhoudsanalise van preke: armoede, modelle: inhoudsanalise van preke, navorsingsvraag: bepaal keuse van model


The argument in this article is that the leading research question for content analysis of sermons has an influence on the choice of a model for research analysis. The author is searching for a suitable model for sermon analysis in order to analyse sermons on poverty and those directed to the poor. Different authors worked in this field of research, e.g. Cilliers (1982), Pieterse (1986; 1995a; 1995b), Moehn (1996), Vaessen (1997), Stark (2005), De Klerk et al. (2009) and Immink & Verweij (2007). The following models of content analysis for sermons are discussed: the Heidelberg model, the Heidelberg model with the use of the Kwalitan computer programme, the hermeneutical model developed by Vaessen, the model for researching the sermon as a Word of God by Stark, this combination of the Heidelberg model and Stark's model by De Klerk, De Wet and Letsosa, and the grounded theory model for inductive analsysis of sermons in order to develop a theory from the data. The research question of the author's project, namely on how preachers deal with sermons on poverty and those directed to the poor, has lead him to the choice for a grounded theory model developed by colleagues in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Key concepts: content analysis of sermons: poverty, models: content analysis of sermons, research question: determines choice of model



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1 Die artikel is deel van 'n projek met finansiële steun van die National Research Foundation.

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