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vol.44 issue2Points of departure for the state in the Institutes of Calvin compared with points of departure of the South African Bill of Rights (1996)The Confession of Belhar and ecumenism against the backdrop of the Three Forms of Unity author indexsubject indexarticles search
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    In die Skriflig

    On-line version ISSN 2305-0853
    Print version ISSN 1018-6441

    In Skriflig (Online) vol.44 n.2 Pretoria Jan. 2010




    Teokrasie: Beskouings oor Calvyn en die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis, art. 36 -'n bydrae tot 'n noodsaaklike gesprek


    Theocracy: Views on Calvin and the Confessio Belgica, art. 36 - a contribution to an important debate



    P. Coertzen

    Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, STELLENBOSCH. E-pos:




    Calvyn word dikwels gesien as 'n voorstander van teokrasie en die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis (NGB), artikel 36 as 'n teokratiese belydenis. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die standpunt van verskillende skrywers oor hierdie beskouing en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat Calvyn nie 'n teokraat was nie en die NGB art. 36 nie 'n teokratiese belydenis nie. Die vraag word tereg gevra waar Calvyn, die NGB en verskillende lande van Europa (waaronder Switzerland en Nederland) se beskouing oor kerk en owerheid ten tye van die Reformasie dan vandaan kom. Die argument word gevoer dat dit, in reaksie teen die Rooms Katolieke Kerk se teokratiese beskouings soos in die Corpus Iuris Canonici verwoord, 'n teruggrype was na die historiese beskouing oor kerk en owerheid sedert die tyd van Konstantyn. Hierdie beskouing het ook in Suid-Afrika vanaf 1652-1994 gegeld. Die artikel poog ook om aan te toon wat nuut in Calvyn se beskouing oor kerk en owerheid was.

    Kernbegrippe: Calvyn, kerk en staat, Konstantinianisme, Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis/Confessio Belgica, pouslike revolusie, teokrasie


    John Calvin is often seen as a supporter of theocracy and the Dutch Confession of Faith (Confessio Belgica) art. 36 as a theocratic confession. This article looks at the views of various authors on this matter and comes to the conclusion that Calvin was not a supporter of a theocracy and the Dutch Confession, art. 36 is not a theocratic confession either. The question is then asked where the views of Calvin, the Dutch Confession and various countries (inter alia Switzerland, and the Netherlands) at the time of the Reformation on the relationship between church and state came from. As an answer to this question the argument is put that, in reaction to the theocracy of the Roman Catholic Church (as can been found in the Corpus Iuris Canonici), it was a returned the historical view on church and state that had been current since the time of Constantine. These views were also applied in South Africa from 1652-1994. An attempt is also made to show what was new in Calvin's views on church and state.

    Key concepts: Calvin, church and state, Constantinianism, Dutch Confession of faith/Confessio Belgica, papal revolution, theocracy



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