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Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation
versión On-line ISSN 2311-9284versión impresa ISSN 0006-8241


Tabla de contenido
Bothalia (Online) vol.46 no.1 Pretoria  2016

 Original Research
 ·  The distribution of the dwarf succulent genus Conophytum N.E.Br. (Aizoaceae) in southern Africa
Young, Andrew J.; Desmet, Phillip G.

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 ·  Sematophyllum rheophyticum (Bryopsida, Sematophyllaceae), a new rheophytic species from Rwanda
Buck, William R.; Hedderson, Terry A.J.

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 Short Notes
 ·  Erythristic leopards Panthera pardus in South Africa
Pirie, Tara J.; Thomas, Rebecca L.; Fellowes, Mark D.E.

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 ·  Schistostephium crataegifolium (Compositae: Anthemideae), a new generic record for Angola
Gonçalves, Francisco M.P.; Tchamba, José J.; Goyder, David J.

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 News and views
 ·  Securing biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa: Notes from the 2015 Satoyama Initiative Regional Workshop in Accra, Ghana
Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred; Dunbar, William; Boafo, Yaw A.; Ichikawa, Kaoru

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 Original Research
 ·  Making the case for biodiversity in South Africa: Re-framing biodiversity communications
Maze, Kristal; Barnett, Mandy; Botts, Emily A.; Stephens, Anthea; Freedman, Mike; Guenther, Lars

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 ·  Notes on a remotely operated vehicle survey to describe reef ichthyofauna and habitats - Agulhas Bank, South Africa
Makwela, Mapula S.; Kerwath, Sven E.; Götz, Albrecht; Sink, Kerry; Samaai, Toufiek; Wilke, Christopher G.

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 Range Extensions / New Distribution Records
 ·  Habenaria kilimanjari newly recorded for Namibia
Bytebier, Benny; Mannheimer, Coleen

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 Nomenclatural Changes
 ·  Nomenclatural adjustments in African plants 2
Goldblatt, Peter; Manning, John C.

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 Review Article
 ·  Anthophysa vegetans (O.F. Müller) Stein (Chrysophyceae), a new record from South Africa
Erasmus, Anrie; van Vuuren, Sanet Janse; Levanets, Anatoliy

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