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Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation
versión On-line ISSN 2311-9284versión impresa ISSN 0006-8241


Tabla de contenido
Bothalia (Online) vol.47 no.1 Pretoria  2017

 Short Communication
 ·  Amaranthus palmeri, a second record for Africa and notes on A. sonoriensis nom. nov.
Iamonico, Duilio; El Mokni, Ridha

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 Original Research
 ·  Railway side mapping of alien plant distributions in Mpumalanga, South Africa
Mararakanye, Ndifelani; Magoro, Modau N.; Matshaya, Nomakhazi N.; Rabothata, Matome C.; Ncobeni, Sthembele R.

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 Review Article
 ·  Public trust doctrine, research and responsible wildlife management in South Africa
Blackmore, Andrew C.

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 Short Communication
 ·  Bertiera sinoensis Jongkind (Rubiaceae), a new forest liana from Liberia
Jongkind, Carel

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 ·  A description of the naturalised Clusia rosea Jacq. (Clusiaceae) populations in South Africa
Cheek, Michael D.; Lalla, Reshnee

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 ·  Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland 2009 and 2012: A description of changes from 2006
Dayaram, Anisha; Powrie, Leslie; Rebelo, Tony; Skowno, Andrew

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 ·  Notes on the flowering and pollination of the endemic grassland Aloe reitzii var. reitzii (Asphodelaceae)
Symes, Craig T.

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 ·  New plant distribution records for southern Namibia
Burke, Antje

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 Nomenclatural Changes
 ·  Othonna sonchifolia L. is an earlier name for Senecio cymbalarifolius L. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae)
Magoswana, Luvo; Manning, John C.; Magee, Anthony R.; Boatwright, James S.

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 ·  Nomenclatural adjustments in African plants 3
Manning, John C.

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 Range Extensions / New Distribution Records
 ·  Two new records of flowering plants from Lesotho
Kobisi, Khotso; Kose, Lerato S.; Moteetee, Annah

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 News and views
 ·  The sixth World Flora Online Council meeting held in South Africa
le Roux, Marianne M.; Klopper, Ronell R.; Jackson, Peter S. Wyse; Loizeau, Pierre-Andre; Victor, Janine E.; Sebola, Joseph R.

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 Original Research
 ·  Fine-scale habitat requirements of the Heidelberg Opal Butterfly (Chrysoritis aureus) in Gauteng and Mpumalanga, South Africa
Deysel, Rouxdene; Myburgh, Willem J.; Panagos, Mike D.

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 ·  Floristic composition and species diversity of urban vegetation in Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
Dingaan, Mamokete N.V.; du Preez, Pieter J.

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 ·  The Gauteng Conservation Plan: Planning for biodiversity in a rapidly urbanising province
Pfab, Michèle F.; Compaan, Petronella C.; Whittington-Jones, Craig A.; Engelbrecht, Ian; Dumalisile, Lihle; Mills, Lorraine; West, Sean D.; Muller, Piet J.; Masterson, Gavin P.R.; Nevhutalu, Livhuwani S.; Holness, Stephen D.; Hoare, David B.

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 Short Communication
 ·  Status of the Genera Colpoon, Osyris and Rhoiacarpos in South Africa
Nickrent, Daniel L.

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