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Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation
versión On-line ISSN 2311-9284versión impresa ISSN 0006-8241


Tabla de contenido
Bothalia (Online) vol.49 no.1 Pretoria  2019

 Short communication
 ·  How far and how old: Longevity and displacement records from the South African Bird Ringing Scheme for Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae and Ciconiidae
Rose, Sanjo; Oschadleus, Hans-Dieter; Paijmans, Dane

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 Original Research
 ·  Vegetation, floristic composition and structure of a tropical montane forest in Cameroon
Sainge, Moses N.; Lyonga, Ngoh M.; Mbatchou, Gildas P.T.; Kenfack, David; Nchu, Felix; Peterson, Andrew T.

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 ·  Distribution of invasive alien Tithonia (Asteraceae) species in eastern and southern Africa and the socio-ecological impacts of T. diversifolia in Zambia
Witt, Arne B.R.; Shackleton, Ross T.; Beale, Tim; Nunda, Winnie; van Wilgen, Brian W.

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 ·  Fifty shades of red: Lost or threatened bryophytes in Africa
van Rooy, Jacques; Bergamini, Ariel; Bisang, Irene

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 Review Article
 ·  Hitchhikers' guide to the legal context of protected area management plans in South Africa
Goosen, Magda; Blackmore, Andrew C.

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 Nomenclatural Changes
 ·  A new name in southern African Justicia L. (Acanthaceae)
Manning, John C.

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 New Distribution Record
 ·  First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia
Janse van Vuuren, Sanet; Levanets, Anatoliy

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 Original Research
 ·  Borassus aethiopum Mart. (Arecaceae) in Limpopo province with a key to South African palms
Siebert, Stefan J.; Struwig, Madeleen

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 ·  Aspects of the population biology, life history and threats to Aloe ortholopha Christian and Milne-Redh.: A serpentine endemic from the northern Great Dyke of Zimbabwe
Kunonga, Ngoni I.; Nhiwatiwa, Tamuka; Tembani, Mduduzi; Kativu, Shakkie

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 Short communication
 ·  Double trouble: Description of an attack on a nesting Delta sp. (Vespidae) by two Stilbum cyanurum (Chrysididae) cuckoo wasps
Shuttleworth, Adam

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 ·  Determining the type locality and collector of Nylander's South African lichens
Medeiros, Ian D.

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 Original Research
 ·  Vegetation of Akkerendam Nature Reserve, Northern Cape: Delineation and dynamics over 100 years
van der Merwe, Helga; Timm Hoffman, M.

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 ·  The alpine flora on inselberg summits in the Maloti—Drakensberg Park, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Brand, Robert F.; Scott-Shaw, Charles R.; O'Connor, Timothy G.

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 Short communication
 ·  Typification and application of the name Arctotis grandiflora Aiton (Asteraceae: Arctotideae)
McKenzie, Robert J.

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 Original Research
 ·  Threatened medicinal and economic plants of the Sudan Savanna in Katsina State, northwestern Nigeria
Bello, Abubakar; Jamaladdeen, Sirajo; Elder, Muhammad T.; Yaradua, Samaila S.; Kankara, Sulaiman S.; Wagini, Nasiru H.; Stirton, Charles H.; Muasya, Muthama

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 ·  The importance of museum collections in determining biodiversity patterns, using a freshwater mussel Unio caffer (Krauss 1848) as an example
Sonamzi, Bayanda; Mlambo, Musa C.; Appleton, Chris C.; Barber-James, Helen M.

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 ·  Lithospermum sylvestre (Boraginaceae): A new species from the Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape, South Afric
Cohen, James I.; Manning, John C.; Euston-Brown, Doug

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 ·  Massonia villosa (Hyacinthaceae), a new species from the Roggeveld, Northern Cape, South Africa
Manning, John C.

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 ·  Indigenous vascular plants of the Soutpansberg, South Africa
Hahn, Norbert

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 ·  Asphodelus fistulous L., a newly discovered plant invader in South Africa: Assessing the risk of invasion and potential for eradication
Jubase, Nolwethu; Renteria, Jorge L.; Maphisa, David; van Wyk, Ernita

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 ·  Taxonomic notes on the genus Neorautanenia (Fabaceae-Phaseoleae)
Tibini, Siyabonga; Manyelo, Tlou S.; Moteetee, Annah

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 ·  Distribution, habitat profile and genetic variability of Namibian succulent Lithops ruschiorum
Loots, Sonja; Ritz, Christiane M.; Schwager, Michaela; Sehic, Jasna; Herklotz, Veit; Garkava-Gustavsson, Larisa; Nybom, Hilde E.

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 Nomenclatural Changes
 ·  New synonyms and combinations in Drimia Jacq. (Hyacinthaceae) in southern Africa
Manning, John C.

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 ·  The correct identity of Lasiosiphon microphyllus (Meisn.) Meisn. (Thymelaeaceae) and the new combination Lasiosiphon kuntzei (Gilg.) R.Kolokoto & Magee
Kolokoto, Refilwe; Boatwright, James S.; Manning, John C.; von Staden, Lize; Magee, Anthony R.

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 New Distribution Record
 ·  Three new Drosophilidae species records for South Africa
De Araujo, Liana I.; Karsten, Minette; Terblanche, John S.

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 Original Research
 ·  Development of alien and invasive taxa lists for regulation of biological invasions in South Africa
Moshobane, Moleseng C.; Mukundamago, Mukundi; Adu-Acheampong, Samuel; Shackleton, Ross

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 ·  Has strategic planning made a difference to amphibian conservation research in South Africa?
Measey, John; Tarrant, Jeanne; Rebelo, Alex; Turner, Andrew; du Preez, Louis; Mokhatla, Mohlamatsane; Conradie, Werner

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 ·  Spider checklist for the Blouberg, in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, South Africa
Foord, Stefan; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Anna S.; Haddad, Charles R.; Schoeman, Colin; Hahn, Norbert; Lyle, Robin

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 ·  Notes on the morphology, ecology and distribution of Quisqualis parviflora (Combretaceae)
Boon, Richard G.C.

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 ·  Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland 2018: A description of changes since 2006
Dayaram, Anisha; Harris, Linda R.; Grobler, Barend A.; van der Merwe, Stephni; Rebelo, Anthony G.; Powrie, Leslie Ward; Vlok, Johannes H.J.; Desmet, Philip G.; Qabaqaba, Mcebisi; Hlahane, Keneilwe M.; Skowno, Andrew L.

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 ·  The avifauna of the forest mosaic habitats of the Mariarano region, Mahajanga II district, north-west Madagascar
Palfrey, Rachel H.; Baddams, Jack; Raveloson, Bruno A.; Rasamison, Solohery; Marcaigh, Fionn Ó; Neaves, Jamie; Long, Peter R.; Martin, Thomas E.

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 ·  Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) phenology and associated arthropod diversity in the Overberg region, South Africa
Slabbert, Eleonore L.; Malgas, Rhoda R.; Veldtman, Ruan; Addison, Pia

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 ·  Using large-scale citizen science ringing data as a means of calculating maximum longevity in birds
Paijmans, Dane M.; Rose, Sanjo; Oschadleus, Hans-Dieter

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 ·  Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) phenology and associated arthropod diversity in the Overberg region, South Africa
Slabbert, Eleonore L.; Malgas, Rhoda R.; Veldtman, Ruan; Addison, Pia

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 Review Article
 ·  Invasive alien plants occurring in Lesotho: Their ethnobotany, potential risks, distribution and origin
Kobisi, Khotso; Seleteng-Kose, Lerato; Moteetee, Annah

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