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Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation
versión On-line ISSN 2311-9284versión impresa ISSN 0006-8241


Tabla de contenido
Bothalia (Online) vol.50 no.1 Pretoria  2020

 Original Research
 ·  Long-term changes in forest cover in a global biodiversity hotspot in southern Mozambique
Tokura, Wataru; Matimele, Hermenegildo; Smit, Julian; Hoffman, Michael Timm

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 ·  Environmental factors that influence species diversity of floodplain plant communities in different flooding phases in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Tsheboeng, G.; Bonyongo, M.; Murray-Hudson, M.

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 ·  Woody vegetation change over more than 30 years in the interior duneveld of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
van der Merwe, H.; van Rooyen, N.; Bezuidenhout, H.; Bothma, J. du P.; van Rooyen, M.W.

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 Short Communications
 ·  Captive large predators killing vultures: exposing captive facilities as an additional source of mortality to highly threatened birds
Thompson, Lindy J.; Davies, John P.; Tate, Gareth; Downs, Colleen T.

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 Nomenclatural Changes
 ·  Senecio cymbalarifolius (L.) Less. is the correct name for S. sonchifolius (L.) J.C.Manning & Magoswana, nom. illeg. and clarification of the name S. sonchifolius (L.) Moench (Asteraceae: Senecioneae)
Manning, John C.; Krieger, Jonathan; Luvo Magoswana, S.

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 ·  Validation of Massonia sect. Whiteheadia (Hyacinthaceae: Scilloideae)
Manning, John C.

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 ·  The correct author citation for Jacquin's names in Drimia (Hyacinthaceae: Urgineoideae) and Eriospermum (Ruscaceae)
Manning, John C.

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 Original Research
 ·  Distribution of Mimosa diplotricha in eastern and southern Africa and its socio-ecological impacts in northern Malawi
Witt, Arne; Chimphepo, Lilian; Beale, Tim; Nunda, Winnie

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 ·  Coordinating invasive alien species management in a biodiversity hotspot: The CAPE Invasive Alien Animals Working Group
Davies, Sarah J.; Bell, G Jonathan A.; Impson, Dean; Mabin, Clova; Meyer, Marco; Rhoda, Chandre; Stafford, Louise; Stephens, Kirstin; Tafeni, Mfundo; Turner, Andrew A.; van Wilgen, Nicola J.; Wilson, John R.U.; Wood, Julia; Measey, John

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