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Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation
versión On-line ISSN 2311-9284versión impresa ISSN 0006-8241


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Bothalia (Online) vol.51 no.1 Pretoria  2021

 Guest Editorial
 ·  Knowledge for a different urban future: a reflection
Andersson, Erik

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 Original Research
 ·  Hundred years of Botany at the NWU: contributions towards understanding plant and algae function, diversity and restoration in a changing environment
Cilliers, S.S.; Janse van Vuuren, S.; Kellner, K.; Krüger, G.H.J.; Struwig, M.; van Niekerk, C.J.G; Siebert, S.J.

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 ·  The influence of land use-impacted tributaries on water quality and phytoplankton in the Mooi River, North West Province, South Africa
Koekemoer, Lauralee; Janse van Vuuren, Sanet; Levanets, Anatoliy

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 ·  Plant diversity and conservation value of wetlands along a rural-urban gradient
du Toit, M.J.; du Preez, C.; Cilliers, S.S.

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 ·  Diatom responses to river water quality in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Shikwambana, Purvance; Taylor, Jonathan C.; Govender, Danny; Botha, Judith

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 ·  Impact of land-use and floaw conditions on the phytoplankton of the Sabie River, South Africa
Barnard, Sandra; Morgenthal, Theunis L.; Stolz, Michaela; Venter, Arthurita

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 ·  Restoration after bush control in selected range-land areas of semi-arid savannas in South Africa
Kellner, Klaus; Mangani, Reletile T.; Sebitloane, Tshegofatso J.K.; Chirima, Johannes G.; Meyer, Nadine; Coetzee, Hendri C.; Malan, Pieter W.; Koch, Jaco

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 ·  Effects of land-use change on herbaceous vegetation in a semi-arid Mopaneveld savanna
Siebert, F.; van Staden, N.; Komape, D.M.; Swemmer, A.M.; Siebert, S.J.

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 Book review
 ·  Open Ecosystems: Ecology and Evolution Beyond the Forest Edge
Siebert, F.

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 Short communication
 ·  A baseline assessment of the photosynthetic potential of Welwitschia mirabilis using the JIP-test for monitoring and conservation purposes
Berner, J.M.; Cloete, B H.; Shuuya, T.

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 ·  Drought tolerant forb flora of a semi-arid protected savanna in the Lowveld of South Africa
van Coller, H.; Klem, J.; Siebert, F.

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 ·  A floristic assessment of grassland diversity loss in South Africa
Muller, M.; Siebert, S.J.; Ntloko, B.R.; Siebert, F.

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