| Sumário S. Afr. dent. j. vol.71 no.2 Johannesburg Mar. 2016 Editorial | | | | · Continuous growth Evans, WG
| | | Communique | | | | · Communique, Communique SADA
| | | Clinical Reviews | | | | · Epithelial cell rests of Malassez: From quiescent remnants to front-runners in periodontal homeostasis and regeneration. A brief review Miniggio, HD; Raubenheimer, EJ
| | | | · Glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of immune mediated oral diseases Khammissa, RAG; Ballyram, R; Wood, NH; Lemmer, J; Feller, L
| | | Research | | | | · Penetration of hydrogen peroxide into the pulp chamber after conventional and laser-assisted bleaching Omrani, LR; Taher, A; Albujeer, A; Parvin, M; Daryakenari, G; Gorgani-Firuzjaee, S; Kermanshah, Η; Chiniforush, V
| | | | · Patterns of previous tooth loss in patients presenting at five different types of dental practice Volchansky, A; Cleaton-Jones, PE; Evans, WG; Shackleton, JL
| | | Forensic Case | | | | · Forensic dentistry case book 6: A self-inflicted bite mark; a case report Maistry, S; Phillips, V M
| | | Case Book | | | | · Oral medicine case book 72: A rare case of Nodular Fasciitis affecting the mandibular gingiva Wood, NH; Moodley, A
| | | Radiology Case | | | | · Maxillo-facial radiology case 138 Nortjé, CJ
| | | Ethics Corner | | | | · Referrals - practitioner, patient & specialist obligations Naidoo, S
| | | Clinical Window | | | | · What's new for the clinician? Summaries of and excerpts from recently published papers Yengopal, V
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