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South African Dental Journal
versão On-line ISSN 0375-1562
versão impressa ISSN 0011-8516


S. Afr. dent. j. vol.74 no.8 Johannesburg Set. 2019

 ·  At, on and below the surface
Evans, WG

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 ·  The new word of mouth - social media in dentistry
Makhubule, KC

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 ·  Inductive surface geometries: Beyond morphogens and stem cells
Ripamonti, Ugo; Duarte, Raquel

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 Case Reports
 ·  Prosthodontic rehabilitation in an elderly patient with a hemi-maxillectomy defect
Mothopi-Peri, Matshediso M; Howes, Dale G; Owen, C Peter

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 ·  Oral Medicine Case Book: An intra-oral solitary Schwannoma of the lower lip, a rare diagnosis
Abrahams, Gadidja; Peck, Mogammad T; Stephen, Lawrence XG; Opperman, Johan

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 ·  Bite mark analysis in a case of child abuse
Phillips, Vincent M; Avelino, Damiana

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 Clinical Window
 ·  What's new for the clinician: excerpts from and summaries of recently published papers
Yengopal, Veerasamy

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 ·  The bifidity of dignity
Evans, WG

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 Radiology Case
 ·  Maxillofacial Radiology 174
Nortjé, CJ

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