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South African Dental Journal
versão On-line ISSN 0375-1562
versão impressa ISSN 0011-8516


S. Afr. dent. j. vol.75 no.9 Johannesburg Out. 2020

 Front Cover Picture
 ·  Hesy-Ra ...the first dentist

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 Guest Editorial
 ·  Upholding parameters of care in a service-provision constrained time period
Sykes, LM

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 ·  Submitting and tracking SADJ manuscripts to be facilitated by manuscript management systems - A professional development bulletin
Metsing, N

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 ·  Contamination of used toothbrushes and their decontamination with disinfecting agents
Ralephenya, TRMD; Molepo, J; Molaudzi, M; Volchansky, A; Shangase, SL

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 Case Reports
 ·  Schwannoma of the infratemporal fossa - A rare case report
Bansal, S; Basavanthappa, D; Prasad, P; Raut, MS; Desai, RS

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 ·  Granulomatosis with polyangiitis - An oral medicine case book
Snyman, I; Robinson, L; van Zyl, AW; van Heerden, WFP

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 ·  Root canal preparation with reciprocating instruments - A literature review and clinical application
Victor, C; van der Vyver, PJ; Vorster, M; Vally, ZI

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 Clinical Window
 ·  What's new for the clinician? - Excerpts from and summaries of recently published papers
Yengopal, V

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 Radiology Case
 ·  Maxillofacial Radiology 185
Nortjé, CJ

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 ·  Dentistry and COVID-19 - Is there a moral duty of care?
Motloba, PD; Miniggio, H; Makwakwa, NL

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