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South African Dental Journal
versión On-line ISSN 0375-1562versión impresa ISSN 0011-8516


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. dent. j. vol.78 no.1 Johannesburg feb. 2023

 ·  The impact of loadshedding on dental practice in South Africa
Wood, NH

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 ·  From 2023, SADA Members can purchase amalgam separators at discounted prices
Makhubele, KC

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 ·  The Complexity of Care and the Dunning-Kruger Effect
Owen, CP

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 ·  Adverse drug reactions, a guide for dentists
Padayachee, N; Matesun, D; Matlala, M; Vagiri, R

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 ·  Phenotypes and Clinical Genotypes of Bruxism Patients: A Systematic Review
Velasquez, RB; Zambrano, RA; Ulloa, GA; Sierra, AA; Rodriguez, TM; Chauca, LB; Serrano, MA

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 Research Articles
 ·  Analysis of the Mental Foramen and Inferior Alveolar Canal pattern based on CBCT data
Verma, N; Kaushik, M; Elkanti, S; Mehra, N; George, A

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 ·  Surveillance of specific pathogens on mobile phones in aerosol and non-aerosol generating dental clinics during the COVID pandemic
Khan, AB; Maboza, E; Vally, N; Taliep, A

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 ·  The prevalence and associations of radiographic diagnostic signs indicating possible pre-emptive canine ectopia: The results of a mixed dentition radiographic survey
Hudson, APG; Johan, L; Harris, AMP; Mohamed, N

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 Case Reports
 ·  The oral presentation of secondary syphilis among men: the evolving interplay between syphilis, HIV and prophylactic strategies
Fourie, J; Mukucha, L; Masuka, L

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 Radiology Corner
 ·  Radiology corner
Smit, C; Robinson, L

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 ·  Embracing new technology, with caution
Sykes, LM; Bookhan, V

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