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Historia vol.54 no.1 Durban  2009

 ·  Foreword
Bhatia, R.K

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 ·  South Africa-India: Towards close scholarly ties
Hofmeyr, Isabel

        · resumen en Inglés | Africano     · texto en Inglés     · Inglés ( pdf )
 Original Articles
 ·  Satyagraha in South Africa: Principles, practice and possibilities
Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Uma

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 ·  Monty ... meets Gandhi ... meets Mandela: The Dilemma of non-violent resisters in South Africa, 1940-1960
Vahed, Goolam

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 ·  Periodisation, cultural construction and representation of ANC masculinities through dress, gesture and Indian Nationalist influence
Suttner, Raymond

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 ·  Renaissances, African and modern: Gandhi as a resource?
Soudien, Crain

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 ·  The challenge of contemporary history - Comparative possibilities
Guha, Ramachandra

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 ·  The universal in the particular: Universalising social science - Comparative possibilities
Mukherji, Partha Nath

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 ·  The Indian war memorial: National memory and selective forgetting - Connecting public histories
Itzkin, Eric

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 ·  Shaka the Great
Peires, Jeff

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 ·  N.P. van Wyk Louw and the moral predicament of Afrikaner nationalism: Preparing the ground for Verligte reform
Dunbar Moodie, T.

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 ·  The ANC/SACP in Angola: A case study in internal democracy
Scholtz, Leopold; Scholtz, Ingrid

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 ·  Challenges and obstacles in early HIV and AIDS education in South Africa, 1989-1994
Grundlingh, Louis

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 ·  Patriarchalism and paternalism in South African "Native Administration" in the 1950s
Atkinson, Doreen

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 In Memoriam
 ·  Professor Christian Johan Barnard (17 Maart 1923 - 6 Maart 2009)
Carruthers, Jane

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Memories of historians and historical issues
Visser, Wessel; Venter, Chris

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 Book Feature
 ·  An organisational and political history
Moodie, T.Dunbar

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 Liberals, Marxists, and Nationalists: Competing interpretations of South African History
 ·  A rejoinder to my reviewers
Lipton, Merle

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 Book Reviews
 ·  Book Reviews

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