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Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk
versão On-line ISSN 2312-7198versão impressa ISSN 0037-8054


Social work (Stellenbosch. Online) vol.55 no.1 Stellenbosch  2019

 ·  Editorial
Green, Sulina

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 ·  Unsilencing the silent South African HIV-positive researcher: an HIV-positive researcher's reflection on negotiating insider- outsider positionalities whilst conducting a HIV study in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Mulqueeny, Delarise Maud; Taylor, Myra

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 ·  Authentic teaching, learning and assessment: real-world experiences of fourth-year students in a social work module
Nel, Hanna; Pretorius, Erica

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 ·  Policy shortcomings affecting traditional male circumcision (TMC) in the Eastern Cape Province
Nomngcoyiya, Thanduxolo; Kang'ethe, Simon M.

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 ·  Black South Africans' perceptions and experiences of the legal child adoption assessment process
Gerrand, Priscilla; Stevens, Garth

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 ·  The needs of caregivers of bipolar patients
van der Walt, Ilse Annemarie; Carbonatto, Charlene Laurence

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 ·  Die behoeftes van kinderversorgers in privaat plekke van tydelike versorging in Suid-Afrika /The needs of childminders in private places of temporary care in South Africa
Dubery, Mandie; Strydom, Corinne; Strydom, Herman

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 ·  Challenges faced by parents raising adolescents abusing substances: parents' voices
Mathibela, Faith; Skhosana, Rebecca

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 ·  The influence of teenage pregnancy on education: perceptions of educators at a secondary school in Tembisa, Gauteng
Nkosi, Nokuthula Nokuphiwe; Pretorius, Edmarie

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