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Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk
versão On-line ISSN 2312-7198versão impressa ISSN 0037-8054


Social work (Stellenbosch. Online) vol.55 no.3 Stellenbosch  2019

 ·  Editorial
Green, Sulina

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 ·  Government and non-profit organisations: Dysfunctional structures and relationships affecting child protection services
van Niekerk, Joan; Matthias, Carmel

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 ·  A life skills programme for street children: Application of the life skills technique in the context of social group work
Simeon, Elzahne; Herbst, Alida; Strydom, Herman

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 ·  The impact of youth gang violence on the educational attainment of male high school learners in Khayelitsha
Mguzulwa, Sisanda; Gxubane, Thulane

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 ·  Voluntary housing delivery: The contribution of partnerships to the success of a community based organisation (WASSUP) in Diepsloot low-income community, Johannesburg, South Africa
Sobantu, Mziwandile; Nel, Hanna

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 ·  Hurt or help? Understanding intimate partner violence in the context of social norms as practised in rural areas
Chadambuka, Cyndirela; Warria, Ajwang'

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 ·  "Half a loaf is better than nothing": The risks and resilience of day labourers in Cape Town
Mapendere, Professor; Schenck, Catherina; Blaauw, Derick

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 ·  Social constructions of successful ageing: The case of Ruware Park in Marondera, Zimbabwe
Mbulayi, Shingirai Paul; Kang'ethe, Simon

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 ·  Promoting social work graduates' employment through the social work curriculum: Employers' perspectives on the employability of Unisa's newly qualified social workers
Alpaslan, Nicky

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