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South African Journal of Science
versión On-line ISSN 1996-7489
versión impresa ISSN 0038-2353


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. sci. vol.111 no.5-6 Pretoria may./jun. 2015

 ·  Women, productivity and progress
Butler-Adam, J.

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 News & Views
 ·  #RhodesMustFall: No room for ignorance or arrogance
Pather, Christina

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 ·  The role of intellectuals in the state-society nexus
Edwards, Iain

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 ·  Professor Benito Makhala Khotseng (1948-2015): A passionate, humanitarian educationist
Kalie Strydom, A.H.

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 ·  Professor Patricia Berjak (1939-2015): World-renowned plant scientist and exceptional mentor
Mycock, David

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 Book Review
 ·  Ghosts
Edwards, Iain

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 ·  Ancient DNA comes of age
Morris, Alan

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 ·  Transdisciplinarity within South Africa's global change research: How (well?) are we doing?
Dhansay, Taufeeq; Serper, Alon; Linol, Bastien; Ndluvo, Sphumelele; Perumal, Lavinia; de Wit, Maarten

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 Review Article
 ·  Fruit waste streams in South Africa and their potential role in developing a bio-economy
Khan, Nuraan; le Roes-Hill, Marilize; Welz, Pamela J.; Grandin, Kerry A.; Kudanga, Tukayi; van Dyk, J. Susan; Ohlhoff, Colin; van Zyl, W.H. (Emile); Pletschke, Brett I.

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 ·  Unearthing a hidden treasure: 60 years of karst research in the Far West Rand, South Africa
Schrader, Aljoscha; Winde, Frank

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 ·  Spatial soil information in South Africa: Situational analysis, limitations and challenges
Paterson, Garry; Turner, Dave; Wiese, Liesl; van Zijl, George; Clarke, Cathy; van Tol, Johan

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 Research Article
 ·  Real-time measurement of outdoor worker's exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in Pretoria, South Africa
Makgabutlane, Mmathapelo; Wright, Caradee Y.

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 ·  Monitoring and evaluating astronomy outreach programmes: Challenges and solutions
Chapman, Sarah; Catala, Laure; Mauduit, Jean-Christophe; Govender, Kevin; Louw-Potgieter, Joha

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 ·  Particle boards produced from cassava stalks: Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties
Aisien, Felix A.; Amenaghawon, Andrew N.; Bienose, Kingsley C.

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 ·  A Rasch analysis of a Grade 12 test written by mathematics teachers
Bansilal, Sarah

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 ·  Quantifying the catchment salt balance: An important component of salinity assessments
Bugan, Richard D.H.; Jovanovic, Nebo Z.; de Clercq, Willem P

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 ·  Eutrophication and cyanobacteria in South Africa's standing water bodies: A view from space
Matthews, Mark W.; Bernard, Stewart

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 ·  Characteristics of potential gasifier fuels in selected regions of the Lake Victoria Basin
Mosiori, Geoffrey O.; Onindo, Charles O.; Mugabi, Paul; Tumwebaze, Susan B.; Bagabo, Samuel; Johnson, Rukundo B.

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