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South African Journal of Science
versión On-line ISSN 1996-7489versión impresa ISSN 0038-2353


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. sci. vol.113 no.1-2 Pretoria ene./feb. 2017

 ·  What could scientists do about 'post-truth'?
Butler-Adam, John

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 News & Views
 ·  South Africans pioneer heat transfer technology for conversion of waste to energy
Hildebrandt, Diane; Lu, Xiaojun; Maphoto, Thato

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 ·  Survivorship of spekboom (Portulacaria afra) planted within the Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme
Mills, Anthony J.; Robson, Ashley

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 Book Reviews
 ·  Marion Island half a century ago: A glimpse into an earlier era of sub-Antarctic exploration
Cowan, Don A.

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 ·  Creating critical conversations on higher education curricula in South Africa
Eloff, Irma

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 ·  From the NCHE to #FeesMustFall: An incomplete but important story of a difficult journey
Bawa, Ahmed C.

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 Review Article
 ·  Educational investment towards the ideal future: South Africa's strategic choices
Shay, Suellen

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 Research Articles
 ·  Estimation of household income diversification in South Africa: A case study of three provinces
Mathebula, Jabulani; Molokomme, Maria; Jonas, Siyanda; Nhemachena, Charles

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 ·  Speech recognition for under-resourced languages: Data sharing in hidden Markov model systems
de Wet, Febe; Kleynhans, Neil; van Compernolle, Dirk; Sahraeian, Reza

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 ·  Antifungal actinomycetes associated with the pine bark beetle, Orthotomicus erosus, in South Africa
Human, Zander R.; Slippers, Bernard; Wilhelm de Beer, Z.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Venter, Stephanus N.

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 ·  Soil fertility constraints and yield gaps of irrigation wheat in South Africa
Sosibo, Nondumiso Z.; Muchaonyerwa, Pardon; Visser, Lientjie; Barnard, Annelie; Dube, Ernest; Tsilo, Toi J.

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 ·  On the mental toughness of self-aware athletes: Evidence from competitive tennis players
Cowden, Richard G.

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 ·  Osteopathology and insect traces in the Australopithecus africanus skeleton StW 431
Odes, Edward J.; Parkinson, Alexander H.; Randolph-Quinney, Patrick S.; Zipfel, Bernhard; Jakata, Kudakwashe; Bonney, Heather; Berger, Lee R.

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 ·  Attenuation of pollution arising from acid mine drainage by a natural wetland on the Witwatersrand
Humphries, Marc S.; McCarthy, Terrence S.; Pillay, Letitia

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 Research Letter
 ·  Stormwater harvesting: Improving water security in South Africa's urban areas
Fisher-Jeffes, Lloyd; Carden, Kirsty; Armitage, Neil P.; Winter, Kevin

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