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South African Journal of Science
versión On-line ISSN 1996-7489versión impresa ISSN 0038-2353


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. sci. vol.114 no.9-10 Pretoria sep./oct. 2018

 ·  And out into the world they go ... research on the international stage
Butler-Adam, John

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 ·  Claire Penn: Speech-language pathologist, teacher, supervisor, researcher and mentor (1951-2018)
Watermeyer, Jennifer

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 Book Reviews
 ·  The Square Kilometre Array radio telescope: A media darling
Glass, Ian S.

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 ·  What kind of people have we formed in our university graduates?
Boughey, Chrissie

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 ·  Using the curriculum to enhance teaching and learning
Boughey, Chrissie

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 ·  Searching for David within the Goliath of alien woody plant invasions in the Western Cape Province
Mills, Anthony J.; Allen, Jessica L.

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 ·  The ecology of drought - a workshop report
Swemmer, Anthony M.; Bond, William J.; Donaldson, Jason; Hempson, Gareth P.; Malherbe, Johan; Smit, Izak P.J.

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 ·  Publication incentives based on journal rankings disadvantage local publications
Lee, Alan T.K.; Simon, Carol A.

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 ·  Does South African research output promote innovation?
Inglesi-Lotz, Roula; Pouris, Anastassios

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 Review Articles
 ·  Emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in South Africa: Implications for public health
Foka, Frank E. Tatsing; Kumar, Ajay; Ateba, Collins N.

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 ·  Aetiological doctrines and prevalence of pellagra: 18th century to middle 20th century
Viljoen, Margaretha; Bipath, Priyesh; Roos, Johannes L.

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 Research Articles
 ·  Monthly average daily solar radiation simulation in northern KwaZulu-Natal: A physical approach
Kibirige, Betty

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 ·  Food insecurity, HIV status and prior testing at South African primary healthcare clinics
Nyirenda, Makandwe; Street, Renee; Reddy, Tarylee; Hoffman, Susie; Dawad, Suraya; Blanchard, Kelly; Exner, Theresa M.; Kelvin, Elizabeth A.; Mantell, Joanne E.; Ramjee, Gita

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 ·  Alcohol and other drug use among women seeking substance abuse treatment in the Western Cape, South Africa
Dada, Siphokazi; Burnhams, Nadine Harker; Laubscher, Ria; Parry, Charles; Myers, Bronwyn

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 ·  First report of bacterial endophytes from the leaves of Pellaea calomelanos in South Africa
Mahlangu, Siphiwe G.; Serepa-Dlamini, Mahloro H.

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 ·  Mapping chlorophyll-a concentrations in a cyanobacteria- and algae-impacted Vaal Dam using Landsat 8 OLI data
Malahlela, Oupa E.; Oliphant, Thando; Tsoeleng, Lesiba T.; Mhangara, Paidamwoyo

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 ·  Application of science and technology by the South African food and beverage industry
Ronquest-Ross, Lisa-Claire; Vink, Nick; Sigge, Gunnar O.

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 ·  First ground-based observations of sprites over southern Africa
Nnadih, Stanislaus; Kosch, Mike; Martinez, Peter; Bor, Jozsef

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