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South African Journal of Science
versión On-line ISSN 1996-7489
versión impresa ISSN 0038-2353


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. sci. vol.118 spe 2 Pretoria  2022

 Guest Leader
 ·  Introduction: Radical Reason
Adams, Rachel; Soudien, Crain

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 Book Review
 ·  Rock Water Life: Ecology and humanities for a decolonial South Africa
Ward, Graham

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 ·  Public intellectuals. Thoughts into action
Tomaselli, Keyan G.

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 Structured Conversation
 ·  Critical reflections on the place of the university in the 21st century
de Sousa Santos, Boaventura; Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sábelo; Soudien, Crain

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 ·  Temporalities of race and translational memory
Lalu, Premesh; Bhabha, Homi

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 ·  I take, and I am taken, by what belongs to philosophy': Philosophy and the redemption of democracy
Mohan, Shaj; Adams, Rachel

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 ·  Special SFSA Plenary Debate: 'The future of transdisciplinarity: How do we relearn to be human in new ways?'
Ramphele, Mamphela; Vogel, Coleen; Reddy, Daya

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 ·  Comments on 'The future of transdisciplinarity: How do we relearn to be human in new ways?'
Visbeck, Martin

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 Research Article
 ·  Paradigm shifts for a planetary emergency: Towards an anthropocenography for urban coastal research at False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
Green, Lesley

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