Perspective |
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| · Perspective Krige, Jake
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ASSA News |
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| · ASSA News Klipin, Mike
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Editorial |
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| · Editorial Edge, Jenny
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General Surgery |
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| · Does gender impact on female doctors' experiences in the training and practice of surgery? A single centre study Umoetok, F; Van Wyk, J M; Madiba, T E
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| · What is the diagnostic yield of colonoscopy in patients with a referral diagnosis of constipation in South Africa? Mjoli, M; Govindasamy, V; Madiba, T E
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| · Predictors of emergency colectomy in patients admitted with acute severe ulcerative colitis Mokhele, N N; Thomson, S R; Watermeyer, G A
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| · Resection of benign liver tumours: an analysis of 62 consecutive cases treated in an academic referral centre Krige, J E J; Jonas, E; Beningfield, S J; Booth, A; Kotze, U K; Bernon, M; Burmeister, S
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| · Defining predictors of mortality in pediatric trauma patients Brysiewicz, P; Clarke, D L; Sartorius, B; Bruce, J L; Laing, G L
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| · Oesophageal squamous cell cancer in a South African tertiary hospital: a risk factor and presentation analysis Loots, E; Sartorius, B; Madiba, T E; Mulder, C J J; Clarke, D L
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Vascular Surgery |
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| · Pattern and distribution of peripheral arterial disease in diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia (rutherford clinical category 4-6) Motsumi, M J; Naidoo, N G
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Neurosurgery |
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| · A survey of selected key areas of management of South African neurosurgical patients Daniel, C H; du Trevou, M D
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Opinion |
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| · "I see you" - Gender representation and unconscious bias in images of surgeons: the South African Journal of Surgery Rayne, Sarah
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Obituaries |
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| · Yvonne Pyne-James 13 April 1934 - 10 April 2017 Cooke, Paul
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Abstracts |
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| · ASSA SAGES Congress
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