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South African Journal of Surgery
versión On-line ISSN 2078-5151versión impresa ISSN 0038-2361


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. surg. vol.58 no.1 Cape Town mar. 2020

 ·  Making bile duct injuries after laparoscopic cholecystectomy a 'near-never' event
Lindemann, J; Thomson, SR

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 ·  The tangible consequences and intangible implications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy-associated bile duct injuries
Lindemann, J; Krige, J; Jonas, E

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 ·  Laparoscopy and litigation: small access, small injuries, big trouble
Bass, D

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 General Surgery
 ·  An audit of interval cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in a low resource healthcare system
Makatini, GM; Mewa Kinoo, S; Singh, B

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 ·  Age is a predictor of significant endoscopic findings in dyspepsia patients in South Africa
Cheddie, S; Manneh, CG; Owczarek, BM; Moodley, Y

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 ·  Inguinal hernia repair in patients under and over 65 years of age: a district general hospital experience
Musbahi, A; Abdulhannan, P; Nugud, O; Garud, T

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 Paediatric Surgery
 ·  Assessment of the delayed repair of uncomplicated inguinal hernias in infants
Botes, SN; Edge, J; Apffelstaedt, JP; Sidler, D

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 ·  Efficacy and patterns of use of antimicrobial prophylaxis for gunshot wounds in a South African hospital setting: an observational study using propensity score-based analyses
Visbeek, MC; Taljaard, JJ; Boer, MGJ de; Cronje, UJ; Steyn, E

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 ·  Penetrating trauma in children and adolescents in Pietermaritzburg
Khumalo-Mugabi, L; Moffatt, S; Bekker, W; Smith, M; Bruce, JL; Laing, G; Manchev, V; Kong, V; Clarke, DL

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 General Surgery
 ·  A comparison of trauma scoring systems for trauma-related injuries presenting to a district-level urban public hospital in Western Cape, South Africa
Mukonkole, SN; Hunter, L; Möller, A; Mccaul, M; Lahri, S; Van Hoving, DJ

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 Plastic Surgery
 ·  The deltopectoral flap in the management of tracheostomal stenosis post laryngectomy and radiotherapy
Liakos, D; Sorianos, C; Dower, DRW; Ciudad, P; Chen, HC

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 Case Reports
 ·  Bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion with compensatory perfusion in a HIV-infected patient
Gowan, SM; Ford, LM; Human, IN; Goolab, V

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 ·  Otorrhoea - a parotid connection
Joseph, J; Maharaj, S

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 Letters to the editor
 ·  Medical students' experiences and perspectives from a local, multidisciplinary trauma conference
Boden, R; Majiet, MI; Parker, QA

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 ·  Dr Timothy P Thulo - MBChB, FCS, MMed- 09 November 1952 - 16 July 2019
Tun, Myint

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