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South African Journal of Surgery
versión On-line ISSN 2078-5151
versión impresa ISSN 0038-2361


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. surg. vol.59 no.1 Cape Town mar. 2021

 ·  Colorectal cancer liver metastases: management and five-year survival in a South African patient cohort
Brand, M; Gaylard, P; Ramos, J

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 ·  Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the digestive tract: incorporating the 2019 WHO grading schema in the South African context
Aldera, AP; Govender, D; Locketz, ML

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 Breast Surgery
 ·  The spectrum of male breast disease at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital - a 3-year retrospective review
Rattray, D; Phakathi, BP; Mannell, A

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 ·  Comparative outcome analysis of trauma and non-trauma emergency laparotomy using a modified NELA tool format
Naidoo, R; Faurie, MP; Oosthuizen, GV; Hardcastle, TC

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 ·  A review of blunt pelvic injuries at a major trauma centre in South Africa
Ashkal, A; Kong, VY; Blodgett, JM; Smith, MTD; Bekker, W; Bruce, JL; Laing, GL; Clarke, DL

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 Emergency Surgery
 ·  Skin-only closure as a temporary abdominal closure technique in a rural setting - exploring role and safety profile
Kruger, H; Couch, DG; Oosthuizen, GV

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 Plastic Surgery
 ·  The microbiology of ulcerative skin cancers: does the presence of pathogenic bacteria increase the risk of postoperative complications?
Lutchminarian, K; Clarke, DL

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 Case Reports
 ·  Massive left upper abdominal cyst: how to diagnose and what to do
Jacob, J; Patel, N

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 ·  Severe jejunitis masquerading as intussusception in a case of Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Mehra, B; Aggarwal, V; Wardhan, H; Dugaya, SK

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 ·  Giant peritoneal loose body: an instance of incidentaloma or warranted concern?
Allopi, N; Fataar, A; Kimmie, F

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 ·  Laparoscopic splenopexy for wandering spleen with absorbable mesh fixation
Nel, D; Kloppers, C; Paniert, E

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 Letters to the editor
 ·  Comments on 'Ileosigmoid knotting -the Parirenyatwa Hospital experience'
Atamanalp, SS

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