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South African Journal of Surgery
On-line version ISSN 2078-5151
Print version ISSN 0038-2361


Table of contents
S. Afr. j. surg. vol.60 n.1 Cape Town Mar. 2022

 General Surgery
 ·  The negative appendicectomy rate at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital - a 10-year review
Grossberg, SJ; Brener, JD; Bizos, EL; Candy, GP; Bizos, DB

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Paediatric Surgery
 ·  Outcomes for open and laparoscopic appendicectomy for complicated appendicitis in children
Fourie, N; de Vos, C; Sidler, D

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  The influence of HIV status on the duration of chemoradiotherapy for anal squamous cell carcinoma
Zubi, AR; Surridge, DJ

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Colorectal Cancer
 ·  Microsatellite instability in north Indian colorectal cancer patients and its clinicopathological correlation
Yadav, A; Kumar, A; Rastogi, N; Siddiqui, MH

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Immunohistochemical determination of mismatch repair gene product in colorectal carcinomas in a young indigenous African cohort
Holla, R; Vorster, A; Locketz, M; de Haas, M; Oke, OA; Govender, D; Ramesar, R; Goldberg, PA

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Patient perceptions of surgical training in the private sector in South Africa - a single centre survey
Lutrin, D; Etheredge, H; Fabian, J; Bouter, C; Tager, S

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Surgical training during the COVID-19 pandemic - a single institution's trainee survey
Botha, R; Cardoso, JH; Lombard, A; Vermeiden, V; Forgan, TR; Al-Benna, S; Chu, KM

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Cardiac Surgery
 ·  A South Africa tertiary centre experience with redo mitral valve replacement
Kistan, D; Booysen, M; Alexander, G; Madiba, TE

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Brachial artery injuries - the impact of the anatomical site of injury on postoperative outcomes
Mansor, S; Alsharief, K; Almadany, A; Buzaja, A; Eltarhoni, A

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Organ transplantation during the COVID-19 pandemic - impact on deceased organ donor referrals and consent rates in the Western Cape, South Africa
Bookholane, H; du Toit, T; Muller, E; Thomson, D

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Case Reports
 ·  Double jeopardy avoided by thorough investigation
Buitendag, JJP; Fichardt, J; Clarke, DL

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Case Series
 ·  Profile of paediatric tuberculosis mastoiditis - a case series
Din, TF; Fagan, JJ; Peer, S

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Case Reports
 ·  The value of MRCP in children with biliary symptomatology - an essential adjunct for safe cholecystectomy
Wei, L; Zhang, S-L; Xie, N; Li, C-M; Fu, B-M

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Professor Letlhogela Meshack Ntlhe MBChB (Natal) FCS (SA) - 1951-2022
Mokoena, T

        · text in English     · English ( pdf )