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South African Journal of Surgery
versión On-line ISSN 2078-5151
versión impresa ISSN 0038-2361


Tabla de contenido
S. Afr. j. surg. vol.62 no.2 Cape Town  2024

 ·  Editorial
Jonas, E

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 HPBASA History
 ·  HPBASA from inception to maturity
Devar, John; Smith, Martin

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 HPB Surgery
 ·  New horizons in liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
Lindemann, J; Yu, J; Doyle, MMB

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 ·  Liver resection for hepatocellular and fibrolamellar carcinoma in a South African tertiary referral centre - an observational cohort analysis
Ziaei, Y; Krige, JEJ; Jonas, EG; Kotze, UK; Bernon, MM; Kloppers, C; Sobnach, S

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 ·  Outcomes of jaundice in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma - a sub-Saharan perspective
Keshaw, PB; Bernon, M; Emmamally, M; Khan, R; Kotze, UK; Segobin, R; Creamer, D; Krige, JEJ; Jonas, E; Sobnach, S

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 ·  Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours of the liver - a systematic review
Lí, M; Sobnach, S; Kotze, UK; Zerbini, LF; Millis, JM; Hampton, DA; Bernon, MM; Krige, JEJ; Jonas, EG

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 ·  Isolated Roux-en-Y versus single loop pancreatojejunal reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy - a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Abu-Zeid, EED; Garzali, IU; Aloun, A; Sheshe, AA

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 ·  Does the textbook outcome in pancreatic surgery score after pancreaticoduodenectomy for ampullary carcinoma have prognostic value?
Leech, N; Krige, JEJ; Sobnach, S; Kloppers, JC; Bernon, MM; Burmeister, S; Jonas, EG

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 ·  Pancreaticoduodenectomy for distal cholangiocarcinoma at a South African centre
Alnaqbi, R; Bernon, M; Emmamally, M; Khan, R; Kotze, UK; Krige, JEJ; Jonas, EG; Sobnach, S

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 ·  Association between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer at a central hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Madela, FG; Sithole, MSA; Ntanzi, NC; Chiliza, KS; Kader, S; Mwazha, A; Thomson, SR; Aldous, C

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 ·  Predicting gallstone pancreatitis in HIV infected patients
Anderson, F; Madiba, TE; Thomson, SR

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 ·  Intermediate and long-term survival prediction using prognostic scores in patients undergoing salvage TIPS for uncontrolled variceal bleeding
Krige, JEJ; Jonas, EG; Setshedi, M; Beningfield, SJ; Kotze, UK; Bernon, MM; Burmeister, S; Kloppers, JC

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 ·  The role of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the treatment of hepatic cystic Echinococcus in a high HIV prevalence population: a retrospective cohort study
Couzens-Bohlin, K; Krige, JEJ; Malherbe, J; Kotze, UK; Khan, R; Jonas, E

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 ·  Effect of preoperative biliary drainage on intraoperative biliary cultures and surgical outcomes after pancreatic resection
Bernon, MM; Steenkamp, S; Dlamini, S; Miller, M; Sobnach, S; Leech, N; Kotze, U; Krige, JEJ; Jonas, EG

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 ·  Audit of an in-patient palliative care quality improvement process for patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a South African teaching hospital
Kotze, UK; Krause, R; Bernon, M; Gwyther, L; Olivier, J; Jonas, E

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 General Surgery
 ·  30-day outcomes in 1 000 consecutive laparoscopic cholecystectomies undertaken in four Cape metropole public hospitals
Kariem, M; Gooi, F; Kariem, N; Karimbocus, N; Kloppers, JC

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 Case Series
 ·  Misinterpretation of the severity of bile duct injuries by MRCP
Bhana, M; Bernon, M; Kloppers, JC; Jonas, E

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 Case Reports
 ·  CT scan the key to unmasking a solid pseudopapillary pancreatic neoplasm in blunt abdominal trauma
Marshall, RD; van Schalkwyk, JE; Hofmeyr, S; Conradie, W

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 ·  Can cannabinoids contribute to cholecystitis - a case of gangrenous acalculous cholecystitis
Bhana, M; Perner, Y

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 ·  Does HIV co-infection promote Echinococcus dissemination?
Couzens-Bohlin, K; Krige, JEJ; Keshaw, P; Allam, H; Jonas, E

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