Introductory Comments |
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| · Inleidende opmerkings van Coller, H.P.
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Research and Review Articles |
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| · Oxford-upon-Amstel. The Amsterdam chair of South African Literature eighty years old. The early years and relations with the South African Academy for Science and Arts Jansen, Ena
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| · Liplappen and Nonna's: Presentation of a comparative study to be conducted Pattynama, Pamela
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| · The drafting of a Dutch literary history: generic characteristics as positivistic traits? van Coller, H.P
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| · Dutch language speakers' contributions to the maintenance and recognition of Afrikaans 1870-1920 Steyn, J.C
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| · Rhetorical figures as intellectual play in advertising communication van Niekerk, A; Lubbe, E
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| · Language deterioration with specific reference to the ideologies and practices of statism Malan, Koos
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| · Macrostructural adaptations between printed and e-dictionaries Gouws, Rufus H
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| · J.S. Bach's Passacaglia and Walter Benjamin's Das Passagen-Werk - literary montage as mosaic in Memorandum. A story with paintings (2006) van Vuuren, Helize
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| · Trauma Processing in Krog's Kleur kom nooit alleen nie [Colour Never Comes Alone] Botha, Marisa
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| · The management of ordinary daily worries by primary school learners Jansen van Vuuren, Renée; van Wyk, Carlien; de Klerk, Werner
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Book Review |
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| · 'n Versetdrama oor óns taal, óns kerk en óns grond le Cordeur, Michael
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In Memoriam |
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| · Stefans Grové 1922 - 2014 Grové, Izak
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Announcement |
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| · Uitnodiging - Bydraes oor T.T. Cloete Wolfaardt-Gräbe, Ina
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