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Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe
versión On-line ISSN 2224-7912versión impresa ISSN 0041-4751


Tabla de contenido
Tydskr. geesteswet. vol.56 no.4-2 Pretoria dic. 2016

 Research and Review Articles
 ·  Toward a Christian-philosophical analysis of evolution and evolutionism: The contribution of a consistent problem-historical method
van der Walt, B.J.

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 ·  The Dutch academic boycott against South Africa: An analysis
Terblanche, Otto

        · resumen en Africano | Inglés     · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  A perceptual account of Afrikaans in Namibia: Between lingua franca and socially exclusive language
Stell, Gerald; Groenewald, Gerald

        · resumen en Africano | Inglés     · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  The lived experiences of primary school teachers within a culture of performativity
van Wyk, Milton; le Grange, Lesley

        · resumen en Africano | Inglés     · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  The humanities background of the natural sciences
Strauss, Danie

        · resumen en Africano | Inglés     · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  "A miserable patch upon a great wrong": A statistical analysis of concentration camp residents
du Plessis, Sophia; Fourie, Johan

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 ·  Nature writing as ecosystem: An analysis of Boomkastele: 'n Sprokie vir 'n stadsmens (Schalk Schoombie). Part 1
Meyer, Susan

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 ·  Landscape endearment as central motive in the poem "tesis in gestapelde sillabeversteuring oor ingebedheid" in Mede-wete (2014) by Antjie Krog
Smith, Susan

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 ·  Learning approaches and academic achievement among EMS-education students
van Staden, Louis; Nel, Carisma

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 Aktueel : Debat
 ·  Redakteursnota
Wolfaardt-Gräbe, Ina

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Hermeneutics, systems, and states
Goosen, Danie

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Anderkant verstaatlikte konstitusionalisme
Malan, Koos

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 Book Reviews
 ·  Amsterdam tot Zeeland: Slawestand tot Middestand? 'n Stellenbosse slawegeskiedenis, 1679-1834
Verster, Francois

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 ·  Slaafs - 'n verhaal van menslike handel
le Cordeur, Michael

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Swanesang. Die einde van die Kompanjiestyd aan die Kaap, 1771-1795
Zöllner, Linda

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Verwoerd: Só onthou ons hom (Hersiene uitgawe)

        · texto en Africano     · Africano ( pdf )
 ·  Oor die skryfwyse van Afrikaans I
McLachlan, JD (Tom)

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