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Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe
versión On-line ISSN 2224-7912versión impresa ISSN 0041-4751


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Tydskr. geesteswet. vol.60 no.1 Pretoria mar. 2020

 ·  Redakteursnota
Wölfaardt-Gräbe, Ina

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 Research and Review Articles
 ·  The changing world of Afrikaans drama translations and adaptations: A few remarks
Keuris, Marisa

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 ·  King Kong adapatations (1959-2017): Transversing culture and society
Xaba, Andile

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 ·  A critique of normative constructions of age in four intertextually connected texts: Alba Bouwer's Stories van Rivierplaas, Reza de Wet's Diepe Grond and African Gothic, and Etienne Kallos's Eersgeborene
Stander, Danie

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 ·   "Realness" in images: The adaptation of verbatim text to stage images with specific reference to tot stof | tot stilte - 'n paniekreaksie (2018)
Krüger Gerber, André

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 ·   Oskar en die Pienk Tannie: The journey of an improbable pair from a French to an Afrikaans stage
Morgan, Naomi

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 ·  The triumph of the silver screen: Christiaan Olwagen's film adaptation of The Seagull
van Niekerk, Jacomien; van der Merwe, Mart-Mari

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 ·  "Who is speaking here?" The role of the adapter in adapting a novel into a youth theatre production that includes cultural and geographical translocations
Nel, Alma; du Preez, Petrus

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 ·  Max-Neef and the structural vulnerability of day labourers in Mbombela and Emalahleni, South Africa
Schenck, Rinie; Blaauw, Derick; Matthee, Marianne

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 ·  Translation and adaptation as interpretation and strategy: My Seuns by Christo Davids against the background of All My Sons by Arthur Miller
Van Coller, Hp; Van Jaarsveld, A

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 ·  Social resilience, structural vulnerability and capabilities in Genadendal, South Africa
Conradie, Ina; Hüman-Hendricks, Anja; Roman, Nicolette

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 ·  An exploration of earth system vulnerability in the context of landfills in the Anthropocene
Grübler, Lizette; Schenck, Rinie

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 ·  The Pandour Corps, 1793-1795 : Soldiers in defence of the Cape Colony towards the end of Dutch rule
Villiers, Johan de

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 ·  Creation of infrastructure during the Prime Ministry of BJ Vorster: Asset or liability for the South African economy?
du Pisani, JA

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 ·  Brexit: Volgende uitdagings vir 'n nuwe era
Eksteen, Riaan

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 Book Reviews
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 ·  Duwweltjies en verantwoordelikheid
McLachlan, JD (Tom)

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