Editorial |
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| · Editorial Mangayi, C L
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Articles |
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| · Graphic text, graphic depiction - Genesis 22 and its interpretation on a Louvre miniature plaque Lombaard, C.J.S.
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| · A young church in mission or maintenance mode? - A case study of the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa (1923-1999) Duncan, Graham A
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| · A critical reflection on the indigenous church leadership that behaves like modern-day pharoahs - The lutheran church as a case study as we search for servant leadership that is liberating and transformative Buffel, Olehile. A.
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| · Paternalism, dependency or partnership? - A case study on the Reformed Churches in South Africa Kim, Young Moo
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| · AIC theologies and western missions - A South African analysis Molobi, Victor MS
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| · Scottish missionary perceptions and images of amaXhosa in the nineteenth century Mvenene, Jongikhaya
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