Original Research |
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| · Where is God when dementia sneaks into our house? Practical theology and the partners of dementia patients Bons-Storm, Maria
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| · Why did people choose for the Jesus-Movement? Verhoef, Eduard
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| · A cultural turn in New Testament studies? Punt, Jeremy
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| · The theological significance of the Isaiah citation in Mark 4:12 Nagel, Peter
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| · What light does Matthew's use of Mark in Matthew 1-4 throw on Matthew's theological location? Loader, William
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| · The material variance of the Dead Sea Scrolls: On texts and artefacts Tigchelaar, Eibert
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| · The contribution of Qumran to historical Hebrew linguistics: Evidence from the syntax of participial negation Naudé, Jacobus A.; Miller-Naudé, Cynthia L.
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| · The memorable invention of the death of Jesus Dewey, Arthur J.
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| · Theological imagination as hermeneutical device: Exploring the hermeneutical contribution of an imaginai engagement with the text Viljoen, Anneke
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| · Myth as metaphor Malan, Gert
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| · Ricoeur on myth and demythologising Malan, Gert Jacobus
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| · A therapeutic community as a relevant and efficient ecclesial model in African Christianity Manala, Matsobane
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| · Spirituality and healthcare: Towards holistic people-centred healthcare in South Africa de la Porte, André
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| · Calling, is there anything special about it? Nel, Malan; Scholtz, Eric
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| · The reception of rhetorical elements in the Letter to Philemon by Patristic exegetes Tolmie, D. Francois
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| · The healing power of just forgiveness, without excusing injustice Denton, Rudy
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| · Der Heilige Geist und die Realisierung des Glaubens in der Geschichte. Überlegungen zur systematischen Funktion der Pneumatologie Danz, Christian
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| · De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur van den Brom, Luco J.
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| · Ritual failure in Romans 6 Smit, Peter-Ben
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| · Preaching the 'green gospel' in our environment: A re-reading of Genesis 1:27-28 in the Nigerian context Manus, Chris U.; Obioma, Des
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| · Pastoral lessons from Augustine's theological correspondence with women Smither, Edward
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| · Psalm 101: A supplication for the restoration of society in the late post-exilic age Botha, Philippus J.
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| · Jewish fish (ΙΧΘΥΣ) in post-supersessionist water: Messianic Judaism within a post-supersessionistic paradigm Willitts, Joel
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| · Believing in God the Father: Interpreting a phrase from the Apostle's Creed Sarot, Marcel
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| · Workplace spirituality: A tool or a trend? Schutte, Philip J.W.
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| · Thomas Wolsey on stage and screen Hornbeck, Patrick
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| · The wisdom of Ben Sira in MENA cultural context: A cultural topical index Pilch, John
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| · Shades of irony in the anti-language of Amos Domeris, William
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| · De opstanding van Lazarus (Johannes 10:40-12:11): Bijbelse echo's in Lazarus is dead (2011) van Richard Beard Weren, Wim
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| · Kairos moments and prophetic witness: Towards a prophetic ecclesiology De Gruchy, John
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| · Afrikaners in post-apartheid South Africa: Inward migration and enclave nationalism van der Westhuizen, Christi
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| · Human dignity and education - A Protestant view Schweitzer, Friedrich
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| · The Way of the Mystic: The Sanjuanist stages of the spiritual path Kourie, Celia
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| · Theology and development as capability expansion Deneulin, Séverine; Davies, Augusto Zampini
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| · Why cannot the term development just be dropped altogether? Some reflections on the concept of maturation as alternative to development discourse Conradie, Ernst M.
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| · Did Ms Wisdom of Proverbs 8 become a mystery in 4QInstruction? Venter, Pieter M.
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| · The text-critical and exegetical value of the Dead Sea Scrolls Cook, Johann
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| · Orphans in the Dead Sea Scrolls Kotzé, Gideon R.
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Review Article |
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| · Review of James Alfred Loader 'Proverbs 1-9' (Historical Commentary on the Old Testament), Peeters Leuven, 2014 Venter, Pieter
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Original Research |
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| · Aesthetics, mysticism and the art of living de Villiers, Pieter G.R.
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| · 'Something is recognised': A liberal Protestant reflection on Erik Borgman's cultural theology Benjamins, Rick
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| · Partners in history: The Dutch Reformed Church and theological training at the University of Pretoria: 1938-2000 van der Merwe, Johan
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| · The theory-practice distinction and the complexity of practical knowledge Miller-McLemore, Bonnie
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| · Ecological ethics and creation faith Körtner, Ulrich
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| · Interreligious education in the context of Social Psychology research on attitudes and prejudice Rothgangel, Martin
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| · Poverty in the first-century Galilee Häkkinen, Sakari
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| · The Matthean community within a Jewish religious society Viljoen, Francois
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| · The betrayal of Edom: Remarks on a claimed tradition Becking, Bob
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| · Why (suffering) women matter for the heart of transformative missional theology perspectives on empowered women and mission in the New Testament and early Christianity Kok, Jacobus (Kobus)
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| · Children's experience of holiness in health care. Are we rendering effective spiritual care? Oberholzer, Annemarie E.
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| · Holiness and humour Houck, Anita
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| · Holiness as friendship with Christ: Teresa of Avila Soughers, Tara K.
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| · The elephant in the room: The need to re-discover the intersection between poverty, powerlessness and power in 'Theology and Development' praxis Bowers Du Toit, Nadine
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| · 'Welc(h)omo Naledi'! What does our newest relative have to say to us? Veldsman, Daniël P.
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| · How to expect God's reign to come: From Jesus' through the ecclesial to the cosmic body Urbaniak, Jakub; Otu, Elijah
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| · Re-visiting the notion of Deep Incarnation in light of 1 Corinthians 15:28 and emergence theory Bentley, Wessel
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| · Theology in the flesh - embodied sensing, consciousness and the mapping of the body Meiring, Jacob
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| · Re-enchanted by beauty. On aesthetics and mysticism de Villiers, Pieter G.R.
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| · How scientific is theology really? A matter of credibility Beyers, Jaco
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| · Theology and higher education: The place of a Faculty of Theology at a South African university Beyers, Jaco
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| · Gateway to the future … oopmaak van die hekke … Transformation in the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria Duncan, Graham A.
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| · Being transdisciplinary theologians in and beyond apocalyptic environments Loubser, Gys M.
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| · The spatial dynamics of Jesus as King of Israel in the Gospel according to John Van der Watt, Jan
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| · Authentic subjectivity and social transformation O'Sullivan, Michael
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| · Mystical holiness in Mark's Gospel de Villiers, Pieter G.R.
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| · Hoist by our own petard: Backing slowly out of religion and development advocacy Olivier, Jill
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| · Transformational development in a changing context: A Latin American perspective van Zeeland, Angelique J.W.M.
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| · Engaging the religiocultural quest in development: An African indigenous perspective Amenga-Etego, Rose Mary
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| · John Haught on original sin: A conversation Conradie, Ernst M.
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| · 'Raising righteous billionaires': The prosperity gospel reconsidered Obadare, Ebenezer
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| · Faith-based organisations between service delivery and social change in contemporary China: The experience of Amity Foundation Carino, Theresa C.
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| · Cultural stereotyping of the lady in 4Q184 and 4Q185 Geyser-Fouché, Ananda
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| · Doing Justice' (משפט בעושי) to the Dead Sea Scrolls: Reading 1QS 8:1-4 in literary and sectarian context Howes, Llewellyn
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| · Panpsychism, pan-consciousness and the non-human turn: Rethinking being as conscious matter du Toit, Cornel
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| · Deep incarnation: From deep history to post-axial religion Gregersen, Niels Henrik
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| · Rethinking the theory of evolution: New perspectives on human evolution and why it matters for Theology Van Huyssteen, J .Wentzel
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Review Article |
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| · Mark the Evangelist: His African memory Oliver, Willem
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Editorial |
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| · Special Collection: 'Engaging development: Contributions to a critical theological and religious debate', HTS Theological Studies Volume 72, No. 4 (2016) Swart, Ignatius; Adogame, Afe
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| · Cheryl de la Rey Dedication - A tribute Dreyer, Yolanda
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Original Research |
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| · 'The idea of the University' and the 'Pretoria Model' Apologia pro statu Facultatis Theologicae Universitatis Pretoriensis ad secundum saeculum Buitendag, Johan
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| · The study of religion and theology at the University of Pretoria - A century of endeavour in conditionalistic perspective Krüger, J.S.
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| · Apartheid in the Holy Land: Theological reflections on the Israel and/or Palestine situation from a South African perspective Pillay, Jerry
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| · Violence in the Christian Bible: Assessing Crossan's use of 'violence' as a key analytical concept Strijdom, Johan
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| · People living in poverty and their relationship to local church communities: An exploratory qualitative study in Mechelen, Belgium Dillen, Annemie; Van Hoof, Elke
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| · Jesus, psychological type and conflict: A study in biblical hermeneutics applying the reader perspective and SIFT approach to Mark 11:11-21 Francis, Leslie J.; ap Siôn, Tania
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| · The sense of God's presence in prayer Immink, Gerrit
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| · Rethinking the creative power of God Muis, Jan
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| · We'll make a man out of you yet: The masculinity of Peter in the book of Acts Stewart, Eric
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| · Reminiscenses of Manichaeism in Augustine's City of God van Oort, Johannes
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| · May Christians request medically assisted suicide and euthanasia? de Villiers, D. Etienne
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| · Human uniqueness on the brink of a new axial age: From separation to reintegration of humans and nature du Toit, Cornel W.
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| · Becoming a missional church: The struggle of the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa or Paris Evangelical Missionary Society in Meadowlands, Soweto Kganyapa, Leonard Tsdiso; Kgatla, Thias Selaelo
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| · Eskatologie by Gerhard Ebeling van Wyk, Ignatius W.C.
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| · Dancehall music and urban identities in Zimbabwe - A constructive postmodern perspective Dube, Zorodzai
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| · Diversity in the ministry of chaplaincy in the South African Department of Correctional Services Masango, Maake J.S.; Mkhathini, Maxwell
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| · Rediscovering joy in costly and radical discipleship in mission Niemandt, C.J.P. (Nelus)
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| · Die funksie en doel van die Apostoliese Geloofbelydenis van Wyk, Ignatius W.C.
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| · An (auto)biographical Twitter-theology van den Berg, Jan-Albert
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| · Heretic or rebel? The heresy trial of Albert Geyser Dreyer, Wim
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Editorial |
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| · Religion and development: The rise of a bibliography Swart, Ignatius; Nell, Elsabé
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Original Research |
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| · The prospect of humanising development discourse in Africa through Christian anthropology Ogbonnaya, Joseph
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| · African Christianities and the politics of development from below Adogame, Afe
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| · Charting African Prosperity Gospel economies Heuser, Andreas
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| · Pastoral care as a resource for development in the global healthcare context: Implications for Africa's healthcare delivery system Agbiji, Emem; Agbiji, Obaji Mbeh
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| · African Initiated Churches' potential as development actors Öhlmann, Philipp; Frost, Marie-Luise; Gräb, Wilhelm
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| · Curriculum design in theology and development: Human agency and the prophetic role of the church Haddad, Beverley
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| · The 'good city' or 'post-colonial catch-basins of violent empire'? A contextual theological appraisal of South Africa's Integrated Urban Development Framework de Beer, Stephan
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| · A dialogue with Sen's Theory of capabilities and its implications for our National Democratic Revolution Vellem, Vuyani
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| · Exploring the impact of economic and sociopolitical development on people's health and well-being: A case study of the Karanga people in Masvingo, Zimbabwe Chirongoma, Sophia
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| · 'Confession' and 'Forgiveness' as a strategy for development in post-genocide Rwanda Kubai, Anne
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| · Holiness in spirituality Waaijman, Kees
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| · The transformation of the temple in the Fourth Gospel Welzen, Huub
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| · Philo of Alexandria: Holiness as self-possession and self-transcendence Decock, Paul B.
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| · From Holy Striving to Wholly Abiding: Mystical Transformation in James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) Lam, Judy
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| · Holy feigning in the Apophthegmata Patrum Wheeler, Rachel
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| · Holiness without the holy One(s): Towards an 'evental' account of holiness Urbaniak, Jakub
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| · Holiness and humour Houck, Anita
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| · Christian love in inter-religious perspectives Kruger, Kobus
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| · Identity, transcendence and the true self: Insights from psychology and contemplative spirituality Haynes, Carter
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| · Thomas Merton: The true self and the quest for justice Rakoczy, Susan
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| · Analysis of water-related metaphors within the theme of religious harmony in Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works Naicker, Suren
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| · Combinatory Christology Evers, Dirk
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| · Nature, creation and morality: The case of parasites Durand, Francois
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| · The concept of revelation in terms of the evolution of consciousness Nürnberger, Klaus
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| · Is consciousness a product of the brain or/and a divine act of God? Concise insights from neuroscience and Christian theology Pretorius, Mark
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| · Habakkuk 2:5a: Denouncing 'wine' or 'wealth'? Contextual readings of the Masoretic text and 1QpHab Prinsloo, Gert
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| · Another look at the identity of the 'wicked woman' in 4Q184 Geyser-Fouché, Ananda
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| · Ideology as a factor for the eschatological outlook hidden in a text: A study between Ezekiel 37 and 4Q386 fragment 1i Coetzee, Jana
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| · The importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for the study of the explicit quotations in Ad Hebraeos Steyn, Gert J.
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| · Putting Qumran, Jesus and his movement into relief Scheffler, Eben
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