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HTS Theological Studies
versión On-line ISSN 2072-8050versión impresa ISSN 0259-9422


Tabla de contenido
Herv. teol. stud. vol.77 no.2 Pretoria  2021

 Original Research
 ·  Catherine of Siena's spirituality of political engagement
Villegas, Diana L.

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 ·  Many ways to God, many ways to salvation (A conversation on Isaiah 56:1-8 with Islamic tradition)
Almirzanah, Syafa'atun

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 ·  Celebration, preservation and promotion of struggle narratives with a focus on South African women of Indian heritage
Archary, Kogie K.; Landman, Christina

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 ·  Preaching: An initial theoretical exploration
Pieterse, Hennie; Wepener, Cas

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 ·  Catherine of Siena's crusade letters: Spirituality and political context
Villegas, Diana L.

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 ·  Examining Catherine of Siena's controversial discernments about papal politics
Villegas, Diana L.

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 ·  Dissent and disparagement: Dealing with conflict and the pain of rejection in John
Loader, William R.G.

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 ·  Sabbath-keeping in the Bible from the perspective of biblical spirituality
de Villiers, Pieter G.R.; Marchinkowski, George

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 ·  Guidelines for the spiritual practice of Sabbath-keeping
de Villiers, Pieter G.R.; Marchinkowski, George

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 ·  A Spirit-Word-Community hermeneutic for the 'preaching as reimagination' approach
Pembroke, Neil

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 ·  Defining elements and challenges of a Pentecostal hermeneutics of experience
Nel, Marius

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 ·  Liturgy and non-colonial thinking: Speaking to and about God beyond ideology, religion and identity politics - Towards non-religion and a unbearable freedom in Christ
Meylahn, Johann-Albrecht

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 ·  Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations
Loba-Mkole, Jean-Claude

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 ·  The category of the culture of work as vocation: The proposal of the Evangelical Church in Germany for the current upheavals in the world of work
Kopiec, Piotr

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 ·  Mission to live: A gendered perspective on the experience of migration in Southern Africa
Mpofu, Buhle

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 ·  Daughters of Zelophehad - Quest for gender justice in land acquisition and ownership
Resane, Kelebogile T.

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 ·  Construction of rape culture amongst the Shona indigenous religion and culture: Perspectives from African feminist cultural hermeneutics
Sande, Nomatter; Chirongoma, Sophia

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 ·  African women's theology and the re-imagining of community in Africa
Maseno, Loreen

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 ·  Motherhood and biosafety measures: Negotiating a compromise between traditional funeral customs and public health needs in Zimbabwe in the wake of COVID-19
Mwandayi, Canisius

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 ·  'Thursdays in Black campaign' and the blackening of the widow's body: A hermeneutic of suspicion to blackening of the body to resist gender-based violence
Chisale, Sinenhlanhla S.

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 ·  Reading a few exemplary books or texts in the Pentateuch and comparing how these books or texts portray the theme of violence and disempowerment
Pietersen, Doniwen

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 ·  A holistic interdisciplinary approach towards environmental justice and youth empowerment
van der Westhuizen, Marichen A.

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 ·  African youth, African faith(s), African environment and sustainable development: A missional diaconal calling
Knoetze, Johannes J.

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 ·  Environmental justice as an act of love: A reflection on the agency of the youth on the Cape Flats
Aziz, Garth

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 ·  Protecting our environment: The need for South African youth with a mission and black consciousness
Baron, Eugene

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 ·  Environmental awareness of Protestant youth in Germany: Perspectives from an empirical exploration
Kroeck, Thomas

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 ·  The gendered impact of pandemics on poor women: The case of COVID-19 in South Africa
Ramparsad, Nitasha

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 ·  The story of Nana Sita and the Group Areas Act
Landman, Christina

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 ·  'The farm that became a great problem': Epworth Mission Station and the manifestation of mission in crisis in post-independence Zimbabwe
Ncube, Richman; Kgatla, Selaelo T.

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 ·  Memory and history: Oral techniques in the East African context
Gathogo, Julius M.

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 ·  An investigation into the commercialisation of initiation schools: A case of Eastern Cape, South Africa
Mdhluli, Tsetselelani D.; Matshidze, Pfarelo E.; Kugara, Stewart L.; Vuma, Lucky; Mawere, Joshua

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 ·  The significance of African oral tradition in the making of African Christianity
Iheanacho, Valentine U.

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 ·  On the border between religion and superstition: Schleiermacher on religion
Beyers, Jaco

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 ·  COVID-19 as archetype rather than event: Thinking COVID-19 in the light of Eliade's 'terror of history'
Rafudeen, Auwais

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 ·  The self is as a lens through which to study religion: Keiji Nishitani's Religion and Nothingness revisited
Mason, Garth J.

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 ·  Durkheim's totemic principle, shamanism and Southern African San religions
Northover, Richard A.

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 ·  Animism: Comparing Durkheim and Chidester's analyses of EB Tylor's theory of religion
Strijdom, Johan M.

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 ·  How not to become a founding figure
Clasquin-Johnson, Michel

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 ·  Religion as 'universal obsessional neurosis of humanity'? Re-reading Freud on religion
Kistner, Ulrike

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 ·  Max Müller, Charles Darwin and the science of religion
Berner, Ulrich

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