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South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
versão On-line ISSN 2413-3221
versão impressa ISSN 0301-603X


S Afr. Jnl. Agric. Ext. vol.37 no.1 Pretoria Jan. 2008

 ·  Socio-economic determinants of farmers' adoption of rotational woodlot technology in Kigorobya sub-county, Hoima District, Uganda
Buyinza, M.; Banana, A.Y.; Nabanoga, G.; Ntakimye, A.

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 ·  Cultural variations regarding the nature and determinants of opinion leadership
Duvel, G.H.

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 ·  Women and leadership positions in the Malian Ministry of Agriculture: Constraints and challenges
Akeredolu, M.

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 ·  Assessment of adoption gaps in the management of aflatoxin contamination of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Satish Kumar, G.D.; Popat, M.N.

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 ·  Towards an improved agricultural extension service as a key role player in the settlement of new farmers in South Africa
Terblanché, S.E.

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 ·  Production systems of traditional leafy vegetables: Challenges for research and extension
Vorster, H.J.; Stevens, J.B.; Steyn, G.J.

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 ·  The influence of decentralization on effectiveness of extension organization in Oromia state, Ethiopia
Jibba, K.B.; Düvel, G.H.

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 ·  Towards the development of a monitoring and evaluation policy: An experience from Limpopo Province
Zwane, E.M.; Düvel, G.H.

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 ·  Evaluation of the appropriateness of certain grain production technologies for small-scale farmers
du Toit, A.P.N.; Nemadodzi, E.A.

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