| Table of contents S. Afr. j. anim. sci. vol.33 n.2 Pretoria 2003 Review Articles | | | | · The effect of an essential oil combination derived from selected herbs growing wild in Turkey on broiler performance Alçiçek, A.; Bozkurt, M.; Cabuk, M.
| | | | · Variation in the chemical composition, physical characteristics and energy values of cereal grains produced in the Western Cape area of South Africa Brand, T.S.; Cruywagen, C.W.; Brandt, D.A.; Viljoen, M.; Burger, W.W.
| | | | · Oviposition and egg quality traits of dwarf and naked neck layers Garcês, A.; Casey, N.H.
| | | | · Protein requirements of growing indigenous chickens during the 14-21 weeks growing period Kingori, A.M.; J.K.Tuitoek; Muiruri, H.K.; Wachira, A.M.
| | | | · Transcervical embryo recovery in Saanen goats Lima-Verde, J.B.; Lopes Junior, E.S.; Teixeira, D.I.A.; Paula, N.R.O.; Medeiros, A.A.; Rondina, D.; Freitas, V.J.F.
| | | | · The chemical composition and potential nutritive value of the foliage of four subtropical tree species in southern Africa for ruminants Lukhele, M.S.; van Ryssen, J.B.J.
| | | | · The influence of separate-sex rearing on ostrich behaviour and skin damage Meyer, A.; Cloete, S.W.P.; Brown, C.R.
| | | | · Derivation of standard lactation curves for South African dairy cows Mostert, B.E.; Theron, H.E.; Kanfer, F.H.J.
| | | | · The response to selection during first lactation on the phenotypic and genetic trends in the Elsenburg Holstein-Friesland herd Muller, C.J.C.; Botha, J.A.
| | | | · The efficacy of a 10% aqueous Neem (Azadirachta indica) seed extract for tick control in Small East African and Toggenburg female goat kids in Tanzania Schwalbach, L.M.J.; Greyling, J.P.C.; David, M.
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