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South African Journal of Animal Science
versão On-line ISSN 2221-4062versão impressa ISSN 0375-1589


S. Afr. j. anim. sci. vol.47 no.5 Pretoria  2017

 ·  Should the South African red meat classification system be revised or maintained? A review
Soji, Z.; Muchenje, V.

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 ·  Association between postpartum blood levels of glucose and urea and fertility of cross-bred dairy cows in Sudan
Sulieman, M.S.; Makawi, S. E. A.; Ibrahim, K. E. E.

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 ·  Sesame meal as the first protein source in piglet starter diets and advantages of a phytase: a digestive study
Reis de Souza, T.C.; Escobar, K.; Aguilera, G. A.; Ramírez, B. E.; Mariscal-Landín, R. G.

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 ·  Influence of ß-galacto-oligosaccharide on growth performance and components of intestinal barrier in broilers during heat stress
Ashraf, S.; Zaneb, H.; Masood, S.; Yousaf, S.; Usman, M. M.; Rehman, H. F.; A.Sikandar; Rehman, H.

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 ·  GBP6: differential expression in pulmonary alveolar macrophages under PRRSV infection and association with blood parameters of its missense mutation
Adeyinka, A.A.; Niu, L.; Fang, C.; Babatunde, B.; Xu, X.

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 ·  Intramuscular variation in mitochondrial functionality of beef semimembranosus
Nair, M.N.; Ramanathan, R.; Rentfrow, G.; Suman, S.P.

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 ·  Ractopamine-induced changes in sarcoplasmic proteome profile of post-rigor pork semimembranosus muscle
Wu, J.; Nair, M.N.; Suman, S.P.; Li, S.; Luo, X.; Beach, C.M.; Bohrer, B.M.; Boler, D.D.

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 ·  Increasing zinc levels in phytase-supplemented diets improves the performance and nutrient utilization of broiler chickens
Akter, M.; Iji, P. A.; Graham, H.

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 ·  Growth performance, haemo-biochemical parameters and meat quality characteristics of male Japanese quails fed a Lippia javanica-based diet
Mnisi, C.M.; Matshogo, T.B.; van Niekerk, R.; Mlambo, V.

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 ·  Effects of mannan-oligosaccharides' supplementation on hatching characteristics of four close-bred flocks of Japanese quail breeders
Iqbal, M. A.; Hussain, A.; Roohi, N.; Arshad, M. I.; Khan, O.; Ahmad, Q. A.

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 ·  Performance of broiler chickens fed South African sorghum-based diets with xylanase
Mabelebele, M.; Gous, R.M.; Siwela, M.; O'Neil, H.V.M.; Iji, P.A.

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 ·  Comparison of on-farm progeny performances from local and imported boar semen used in the South African pig industry
Krüger, D.A.; van Marle-Koster, E.; Theron, H.E.

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 ·  Effects of protease on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs
Choe, J.; Kim, K. S.; Kim, H. B.; Park, S.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Kim, B.; Cho, S. H.; Cho, J. Y.; Park, I. H.; Cho, J. H.; Song, M.

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 ·  Effects of feeding corn silage, pelleted, ensiled, or pelleted and ensiled alfalfa on growth and carcass characteristics of lamb
Fluharty, F.L.; Zerby, H.N.; Lowe, G.D.; Clevenger, D. D.; Relling, A.E.

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 ·  Genetic parameters for ewe reproduction with objectively measured wool traits in Elsenburg Merino flock
Matebesi-Ranthimo, P. A. M.; Cloete, S. W. P.; van Wyk, J. B.; Olivier, J. J.

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 ·  Effects of various inulin levels on in vitro digestibility of corn silage, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)/oat (Avena sativa L.) hay
Salman, M.; Cetinkaya, N.; Selcuk, Z.; Genc, B.; Acici, M.

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