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South African Journal of Animal Science
versão On-line ISSN 2221-4062versão impressa ISSN 0375-1589


S. Afr. j. anim. sci. vol.48 no.5 Pretoria  2018

 ·  Effect of dietary rape seed meal on growth performance and meat quality of growing-fattening pigs
Kargopoulos, A.; Dotas, V.; Giannenas, I.; Christaki, E.

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 ·  Prediction of in vivo organic matter digestibility of ruminant feeds using in vitro techniques
Leeuw, K-J.; Palic, D.; Siebrits, F.K.; Muller, H.; Hindle, V.A.

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 ·  Effect of Vachellia erioloba and Dichrostachys cinerea pod supplementation on performance of does and kids of Namibian Caprivi and Ovambo indigenous goats
Marius, L.N.; Osafo, E.L.K.; Mpofu, I.D.T.; Lutaaya, E.; Shiningavamwe, K.L.; Missanjo, E.; Attoh-Kotoku, V.

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 ·  Phenotypic and genetic characterization of indigenous Tswana goats
Monau, P.I.; Visser, C.; Nsoso, S.J.; van Marle-Köster, E.

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 ·  Serum biochemical profile of two broiler strains supplemented with vitamin E, raw ginger (Zingiber officinale) and L-carnitine under high ambient temperatures
Rehman, Z.; Chand, N.; Khan, R.U.; Naz, S.; Alhidary, I.A.

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 ·  Characterization of seminal plasma constituents of unimproved indigenous and Tankwa goats
Ramukhithi, F.V.; Nephawe, K.A.; Lehloenya, K.C.; Seshoka, M.M.; Jonker, T.; Kotze, A.; Chokoe, T.C.; Nedambale, T.L.

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 ·  Diurnal ingestive behaviour of steers grazing Alexander grass with various levels of nitrogen and feed supplements
Venturini, T.; Menezes, L.F.G.; Paris, W.; Noernberg, J.L.; Segabinazzi, L.R.; Paula, F.L.M.; Dias, A.M.O.; Lazzarotto, E.F.C.O.

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 ·  Effects of various levels of organic acids and of virginiamycin on performance, blood parameters, immunoglobulins and microbial population of broiler chicks
Ghazvinian, K.; Seidavi, A.; Laudadio, V.; Ragni, M.; Tufarelli, V.

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 ·  Influence of dietary supplementation of probiotics on intestinal histo-morphometry, blood chemistry and gut health status of broiler chickens
Biswas, A.; Junaid, N.; Kumawat, M.; Qureshi, S.; Mandal, A.B.

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 ·  Feeding preferences of ostriches towards the inclusion of full-fat canola seed in grower diets
Brand, T.S.; Niemann, G.J.; Muller, A.; Hoffman, L.C.

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 ·  Impacts of red pepper supplemented diets and different storage conditions on eggs obtained from free-range laying hens
Agma Okur, A.; Unver Kayhan, E.

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