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South African Journal of Animal Science
versão On-line ISSN 2221-4062versão impressa ISSN 0375-1589


S. Afr. j. anim. sci. vol.50 no.6 Pretoria  2020

 ·  Inclusion of shrimp waste meal in diet of free-range chickens
Brito, C.O.; Silva, C.M.; Lelis, G.R.; Corassa, A.; Velarde, J.M.D.S.; Silva, M.A.S.; Oliveira Júnior, G.M.; Del Vesco, A.P.; Ribeiro Júnior, V.

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 ·  Effect of extrusion on the rumen undegradable protein fraction of lupins
Brand, T.S.; Jordaan, L.

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 ·  Response of broiler chicks to L-Glutamine feeding in the immediate pre- and post-hatch periods
Karamik, S.; Kop-Bozbay, C.

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 ·  Evaluation of synchronization protocols and methods of early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle
Shahzad, A.H.; Sattar, A.; Ahmad, N.; Ahmad, I.; Yousaf, M.S.; Abbas, S.; Blouch, R.S.; Nak, D.; Nak, Y.; Ray, D.L.; Silvia, W.J.(deceased)

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 ·  Adding wheat and rapeseed meal to corn-soy diets affects intestinal morphology and nutrient digestibility in broilers
Amirahmadi, E.; Safamehr, A.R.; Nobakht, A.; Mehmannavaz, Y.

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 ·  Identifying sequence variation in cation channel sperm associated genes in Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra)
Smith, R.M.; Kotzé, A.; Grobler, J.P.; Dalton, D.L.

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 ·  Effects of a starch binding agent on in vitro rumen degradability of maize and sorghum starch
Shipandeni, M.N.T.; Cruywagen, C.W.; Raffrenato, E.

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 ·  Evaluation of female fertility in dairy cattle enterprises - A review
Kgari, R.D.; Muller, C.J.C.; Dzama, K.; Makgahlela, M.L.

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 ·  Effects of feed particle size on energy values for broiler chickens at various ages
Frank, R.; Pozza, P.C.; Scherer, C.; Schöne, R.A.; Avila, A.S.; Oliveira, P.L.; Broch, J.; Eyng, C.; Nunes, R.V.

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 ·  Rearing system effects on live weight gain of Large White turkeys
Inci, H.; Çelik, S.; Sögüt, B.; Sengül, T.; Sengül, A. Y.; Ilkaya, M.

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