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South African Journal of Sports Medicine
versão On-line ISSN 2078-516Xversão impressa ISSN 1015-5163


SA J. Sports Med. vol.34 no.1 Bloemfontein  2022

 ·  Major steps in 2021
Lambert, Mike

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 ·  Pain and physical activity levels among Rheumatoid Arthritis patients between the ages of 18 to 50 years in South Africa
Wilkinson, RM; Smith, L; Ferreira, S

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 ·  Sport during the COVID-19 bio-bubble: Wellness and opinions in South African elite football
Bahdur, K; Pillay, L; Dell'oca, D

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 ·  Dr Clive Noble - A Tribute
Patrícios, Jon

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 ·  Heat shock protein response during fixed intensity and self-paced exercise in the heat in young, healthy women on oral contraceptives compared with young healthy men
Onus, K J; Cannon, J; Marino, F E

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 Case Reports
 ·  The unexpected evolution of myocardial injury while infected with the coronavirus: A COVID-19 case report
Doran, J T

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 ·  The core of performance in adolescent cricket pace bowlers: Trunk muscle stability, maybe, but not strength-endurance and thickness
Olivier, FM; Olivier, B; Mnguni, N

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 ·  Does transversus abdominis function correlate with prone plank and bench bridge holding time in club cricket players?
Aginsky, KD; Keen, K; Neophytou, N

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 Conference Proceedings
 ·  1st Conference of the South African Society of Biomechanics
Bayne, Helen; Albertus, Yumna; Cockcroft, John; Kramer, Mark

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 ·  Gastrocnemius muscle architecture in distance runners with and without Achilles tendinopathy
Phillips, B; Buchholtz, K; Burgess, T L

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 Case Reports
 ·  Bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a weightlifter during an acute high-loading resistance exercise bout: A case study
Alexander, LA; Mchunu, JT; Kgabu, RD; Derman, EW

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 ·  The effectiveness of intratissue percutaneous electrolysis for the treatment of tendinopathy: a systematic review
Augustyn, D; Paez, A

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 ·  Sport supplement use among high school rugby players in South Africa: A scoping review
Harmse, B; Noorbhai, H

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 ·  The effectiveness of intratissue percutaneous electrolysis for the treatment of tendinopathy: a systematic review
Augustyn, D; Paez, A

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 ·  The perceived knowledge of the menstruation cycle and adjustment of swimming sets by swimming coaches based on menstrual-related issues
Marais, N; Morris-Eyton, H; Janse van Rensburg, N

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 ·  Effects of wearable resistance load placement on neuromuscular activity and stride kinematics: A preliminary study
Brown, M; Giroux, C; Lacome, M; Leduc, C; Hader, K; Buchheit, M

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 ·  The cycle ergometer test is not a reliable alternative to the countermovement jump in the assessment of power output
Peyper, KR; Olivier, B; Green, A

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 ·  "If money was no object": A qualitative study of South African university office workers' perceptions of using height-adjustable sit-stand desks
Gradidge, PJ; Phaswana, M; Chau, JY

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 ·  Investigation of the knowledge of South African high school rugby coaches on concussion and the return-to-play protocol
Abel, NC; Grant, CC; Janse van Rensburg, DC

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 Original Research
 ·  The pattern of non-contact injuries in a South African professional football team
Swart, J; Varekamp, C; Greyling, J

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 ·  Dr Richard de Villiers - a tribute
Koenig, Jean-Claude

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 Original Research
 ·  The knowledge and attitudes of South African-based runners regarding the use of analgesics during training and competition
Thorpe, R; Blockman, M; Talberg, H; Burgess, T

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 ·  Osteoarthritic changes in the knees of recently retired male professional footballers: a pilot study
Carmody, S; Aoki, H; Kilic, O; Maas, M; Massey, A; Kerkhoffs, GM; Gouttebarge, V

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 ·  Prevalence of the relative age effect among high-performance, university student-athletes, versus an age-matched student cohort
Dube, S; Grobbelaar, H

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 ·  'Do we know if we need to reduce head impact exposure?': A mixed-methods study highlighting the varied understanding of the long-term risk and consequence of head impact exposure across all stakeholders at the highest level of rugby union
Starling, L T; McKay, C; Cross, M; Kemp, S; Stokes, K A

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 Panel Discussion
 ·  Blood flow restriction training in South Africa - a panel discussion
Evans, RW; Ganda, J; van Schalkwyk, L; Fabricius, DL; Cornelissen, M

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 Original Research
 ·  Dietary supplements and beverages: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among semi-professional soccer players in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Nyawose, S; Naidoo, R; Naumovski, N; McKune, AJ

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 ·  Changes in training activity post COVID-19 infection in recreational runners and cyclists
Emeran, A; Lambert, EV; Parale, T; Bosch, A

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 Case Reports
 ·  The effect of systematic exercise training on skeletal muscle strength in a patient with advanced inclusion body myositis: A case study
D'Alton, C; Johnstone, R; du Plessis, C; Pursad, A; Kohn, T A

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 Position Statement
 ·  World netball cardiac screening guidelines
Bogwasi, L; Janse van Rensburg, DC; Bryant, G; Orchard, J; Drezner, J A

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 Conference Proceedings

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 ·  The profile of orthopaedic sports medicine publishing in South Africa
Gelbar, BR; Schapkaitz, E; Levitt, D

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 ·  Do upper leg compression garments aid performance and reduce exercise-induced muscle damage in recreational marathon runners?
Kabongo, KM; Emeran, A; Bosch, AN

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 Case Reports
 ·  Myositis ossificans in a child athlete: a case study
Sapire, R; Nenova, R; Gounder, P; Rampersad, A; Mabohoi, V; Nhlapo, N; Tibatshi., K; Rampurtab, S; Ranchod, AI; Saggers, RT; Patrícios, J

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SA Rugby Injury and Illness Surveillance and Prevention Project (SARIISPP) The Carling Currie Cup Premiership Competition Injury Surveillance Report 2021
Paul, Lara; Readhead, Clint; Viljoen, Wayne; Starling, Lindsay; Lambert, Mike

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